Aita for not sharing my inheritance

Aita for not sharing my inheritance. But they weren't living together or a couple for year. because I'm not sure if my family knows my Reddit account, all the names have been changed and all that good stuff. ETA 2: Again since someone asked. AITA for not sharing my inheritance equally? I (M32) have just come into a lot of money. My parents divorced in 2009 after 21 years of marriage. AITA for not sharing my inheritance with my cousins. First of all, you aren't the asshole about the inheritance no mater what you decide. They will 'love' you until you're broke and homeless. Edit. throwaway_66297. The family isn't entitled to the inheritance. I put half of it in the bank, and used the other half as a down payment on a house, allowing me to become a home owner quite early. I worked in wills and trusts for a while. The 10 percent is a gift. Not the A-hole. The answer to "but you don't love us!" is "nobody loves leeches". Once we were 18 we received $2500 a year. It’s your inheritance- they have no right to it. •. To understand this situation you need know something's about my family. In a post shared to inheritance_ismine. I (32, F) am the eldest child in a family of eight (dad, mom, 2 brothers (17, 25) and 3 sisters (29, 27, 15). AITA for saying "Not a single dime" when my husband demanded that I share my inheritance with him? Let me explain. Subreddit Announcement The Asshole Universe is Expanding, Again: Introducing Another New Sister Subreddit! ‘AITA for not sharing my inheritance with the rest of my family’ story explored . The inheritance is, well, substantial. r/AmItheAsshole. It was about 5,00,000 INR. AITA for not sharing my inheritance with my siblings? I (M56) am the oldest of four kids. I (22f) recently lost my paternal grandma and I'm heartbroken. You made your choices. The estate comprised of a $600k fully paid off house and $1. He is at the very least a dead beat dad. Reply reply. Emotional_Payment_66. Throwaway acc. I (32f) used to have this really cool Uncle "Bill. 2 million in investments, so $1. AITA for not sharing my inheritance with my sister after our dad died? Not the A-hole. AITA for not sharing inheritance equally between step and bio children? Not the A-hole. Not telling my kids about my inheritance 2) That migh not have been fair to them. Your aunt is an asshole for wanting only you to share your inheritance but not wanting your brothers to share. If one of them is truly struggling maybe you can offer some support here NTA. . Inheritance isn't marital property. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. It was unexpected, but it's provided me with financial security for the foreseeable future. You should definitely look out for family but it sounds like they are fine and just being greedy. Your Mom, sadly, caused you and Lee SO much harm and unnecessary hurt. I (20 m) got the largest share of inheritance from my grandparents trust who declared me their 'heir. At home it's me, my husband, our child together and my stepchildren who live with us 3 nights a week. You're gonna have to have enough spine to put your foot down. When dividing the assets my wanted to keep a shop she ran, this shop was very poorly maintained and we would have made more if she had rented the space NTA - Your other brothers got money, you got property. It's very common for grandparents to leave the majority of their estate to their children-not their grandchildren. This can get messy and expensive. AITA for not splitting my inheritance with my “step family. r/AmITheAsshole voting guide here only one. AITA for asking about my share of inheritance? Not the A-hole. 8 million total or $900k each. He left them when they were in their teens and never helped them achieve anything. Dad= $300k Other 4= $75k ea. My (M17) mom had me when she was young. (F21) I’ve had a pretty shitty childhood. Members Online My parents were separated but not legally divorced when my dad was sick/died. X number of years times $20 and hour will eat away his “inheritance”. My brothers very quickly accepted her as a mom, but I couldn't. My older half sister (different dads) was not a pleasant person to be around and my mom was so busy Look at the inheritance this way. It was a constant joke that the only reason Ask about a 529 educational account for your sibling. She was no contact with her family, and my parents kind of took her in. My dad hated my siblings, I have messages to reflect this. If your mother was meant to receive anything it would have been in the will. If he doesn't like it let him leave because it doesn't sound like he's contributing anything. As a result, my mom disowned her and drove her out of the family. All my siblings knew I was adopted, but I was never treated any differently and I had They had always stated their intent for it to be 50/50 between my sibling and I, and that’s what the Will stated. Our parents told me I was adopted when I was 10. At age 8 she was adopted into a loving, wealthy family of two college professors, along with an adopted brother. Background: My parents met when they were in high school, due to race and religious differences most of their families did not approve (exept for dad's paternal grandparents since they weren't particualrly religious), the rest basically made their life Obviously, they want the money. AITA for not using my inheritance money to help my brother and his family out? Not the A-hole. Uncle 2 (70M) has 1 son (40M) and 1 granddaughter (16F). Hello, this is my first time posting on AITA and English is not my first language so sorry if the format is not right. Subreddit Announcements r/AmItheAsshole. He knew he was a bad father and chose pettiness in the end. It wasn’t easy to be around the old man unless you found your way around him. It takes a special kind of entitled jerk to not respect someone's final wishes. Background: When I (24M) was a kid, a young window moved into the house next to us. My intention is to sell the property and put Apr 21, 2023 · The internet has backed a woman who refuses to share her inheritance with her aunts who demanded she give up her apartment, saying that's what her mother what have wanted. So years ago my sister got arrested for doing sex work, and her relationship with our mom collapsed. Sep 24, 2023 · Users cannot stop talking about ‘AITA for not sharing my inheritance with the rest of my family’ Reddit story. Aitah for not sharing my inheritance with my step siblings? (Part 2) Clearing up some things, this has happend like a year after my dad died. Me M(37) Sister(35), so myself and my sister are my grandparents only grand kids and we come from a quite a conservative Christian background, my sister came out as Lesbian at the age of 22 after she left the family home and told the family she has been dating a girl from college and that they are This was your grandmothers wish that you have the inheritance, please honor it and do not cave to pressure from others that did not see (or care about) how much their choice to not care about someone had. AITA For Not Sharing My Inheritance With My Sister? Not the A-hole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I did not split my inheritance with my brothers 2. Background- Me (19F) and my brother (32M) became orphans 10 years ago due to an accident our parents So I F25 and my sister F27 father passed last year, before that he and my mother F55 had a nasty divorce where I would say both were at fault and their overall relationship was extremely toxic. I decided to not share my inheritance with my dad’s gf. Even though it's been removed, you are NOT TA. Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I can let my emotions get the better of me and I know it's not my sister's fault, but this is all still so raw for me. slendermanismydad. AITA for refusing to share my mom's inheritance with her brother? Not the A-hole. My parents divorced when I was little, leaving the custody You are technically in your right to not share what was gifted to you as family inheritance with your brother, but you're still an asshole for saying "I was 3 when grandpa died and you were just a cell so fuck you, had mine". NTA ---- If your grandmother had wanted your mother and sisters to inherit anything she would have said so in her will. Remind your aunt that this is what your dad wanted and that you are following his clearly shared directions. Dad helped around her house, and mom always cooked extra for her. NTA. Posting to Reddit's "Am I The A**hole" (AITA) forum under the username u SavingsOpen2591. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. She will drain you dry. "I don't want to give any of it to my family or even friends. ACM915. I told them that I want to my half of the money according to my parents will. Apparently, he had inherited a lot of money from his parents and had a successful business. . They argued daily in the end until they both decided they couldn't do it anymore. Nobody was cut out or overlooked. Aita for not sharing my inheritance with my brother and sister. Those creeps really are their (bio)Dad’s kids. My grandfather was very wealthy (~10 million USD if you include all assets and stocks, plus a small company) and he left 100% of this to me when he died. In my opinion, OP should be principled and not give in to the blackmail of these two unworthy people. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best in life. My nana (94F) recently passed away, she was a very rich lady. He inherited over 20k from his dad 2 years ago. My sibling and I are very much different from each other. My grandma (dad's mom) left me (27F) my dad's (52M) portion of her inheritance but left him and my brother (30M) nothing. Do not get guilted into sharing YOUR inheritance if you don’t want to. Your father left it to you, and your half sister (on your mother's side no less) has some cheek for asking for a share. So, now I'm really conflicted. They don't deserve to be discriminated against because they're not blood related. He left half of his estate to his wife and the other half to his sons, me and my half-brother. Then she insisted she was joining me to meet with the lawyer to discuss this. AITA for telling my mom I know she spent my inheritance. In his will he wrote " Sister was a jerk, she doesnt deserve it". AITA for not redistributing my inheritance equally between my cousins. I get none of it. This was fine for the most part as neither Tammy or I had any desire to go through anymore hassle of co-parenting than we already do. Put the money in a CD. The rest of my family got some inheritance also, but mine is considerably larger than anyone else's. My dad however is the exact opposite, before I was born he bought my brother My sister and I had a trust set up for our inheritance. If you don't have a good relationship with them anyway, cut and run. AITA for not sharing my inheritance with my sister. This was 10 years ago. So, after dropping the bombshell on Karen about refusing to sell our beloved family cabin and share ownership with her twins, things spiraled out of control faster than a cat on a Roomba. ”Friends and Family” may become clumsy around you. She wanted you alone to have her things, your family should respect her decision. She was only 19 then, now 36. I obviously don't want to do that, and told my parents that It was my In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA not giving my sister my share of inheritance. Update below. You’ve chosen your inheritance over your siblings. NTA- your siblings being bad with their money is not your problem. Things took a Your brother is being greedy. My grandpa passed away a few years ago and grandma got more challenging after that. I received the lion's share of the inheritance, including the family home and a significant portion of their savings. I (24M) and my brothers (20M,18M) lost our mother when I was 7. Stories do NOT have to be AITA but should be seeking advice or feedback on situations. We both spent the money quite differently. After some time had cooled off I looked at the total value of my share of around $400,000 (after fees) and agreed to just give 50% to my cousins. OP's brother hasn't asked for anything. AITA for not giving my sister half of my inheritance. He didn't fuck over the family. AITA for not sharing my inheritance and belongings with my family. Tell him if he pays you back for taking care of your mom for x number of years then he can have a share. My mom found out about the money because she read the letter he sent to me about the issue. Your mother saw who was there every day and who wasn't and she rewarded them accordingly. Background: when I was a young teenager, my bio mom kidnapped me and told me my father was not My siblings (30M, 25F) are both upset that I received everything and they didn't get a share. My paternal grandmother ended up adopting me but not my brothers. My brothers were adopted by a foster family we didn’t know in the area. My siblings, on the other hand, received NTA - My condolences. No children, no joint assets but we have a shared account that we both contribute to equally to pay for everyday expenses. Dad wanted us to be responsible before we got the majority of the money, so we wouldn’t just waste it in our early 20s. Right after dad won his settlement sister asked for a 30k advance of her inheritance, dad refused. And the burden of selling off or disposing of the rest. The sentimental stuff. He’s already living off what we get monthly from our dad signing part of his estate over to us. The court said it's yours, your older siblings don't need it, and they will be taken care of in ways you won't later. And tbh your dad was shitty right up until he died by leaving your siblings out of his will purely for spite. If he had any common decency, he would follow your lead and disclaim/gift his interest to his step-sister. Me an him has always had a bad relationship, Mostly because he was jealous of me. (as in, there is a line in the will that specifically mentions her by name that says she should get nothing) My sister called me asking for some of the inheritance because she thinks it wasn't right how my mom treated her. My grandparents were strictly religious and disowned her soon after I was born. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Their answer was, "He's your brother, and he needs help! He'll help you pay for your studies once he graduates. My half-sister and her then-boyfriend used it on a business idea that didn’t work out. For example, if my wife and I died in an accident tomorrow, we would be leaving about $900K in assets to 19F, and $25K each to 27F and 30M. Peanutz9. Me f32 and my husband m37 have been married for 4 years. In my country most of the inheritance has to be divided equally between children of the deceased (half of the amount if there is only 1 child, 2/3 if there are 2 and 3/4 for 3 or more children) with a part going to their spouse depending on the marriage contract (which is not a prenup, you only have 3 contracts : separation of property, common AITA for not sharing my inheritance. That means I would need to postpone college for at least 4-5 years. Tell her you have invested it all and can’t touch it for 10 years. According to my dad, he and his father had a very toxic relationship. They argue that since we are family, the inheritance should have been split evenly between us. That being said it could be easier for you and your family's relationship if you give them a portion (even if it is a small amount) Reply reply. The rest was off limits until we turned 30. My dad gets half and the other half gets split up between the 4 grandchildren. MembersOnline. AITA for not sharing my inheritance with my sister? Not the A-hole. You’re obviously legally entitled to your money, but your family is also entitled to feel upset over you not even helping your mom who had 7 kids to take care of by herself. I'll try and keep it as brief as possible. I loved this guy and he spoiled me to pieces. She had 4 children, 4 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. 19F would have no family support thus relying entirely on the inheritance money Throwaway Account. The insurance company will be prepared with lawyers to defend any claims. I am the oldest of three and my brothers and I were separated from each other and our abusive bio parents when I was 6, and they were 4 and 1. When Lucy moved in she and my dad took down all of my mom's pictures and got rid of her things. AITJ for not sharing my inheritance with my gay brother. However, I have several reasons for not wanting to share the inheritance. The money is basically untouchable for me until I become 22. Uncle 1 (73M) has no children. Judgement_Bot_AITA. Throwaway Account. We were raised in a lower middle class home. My youngest brother was one of the foster NTA - don't share any of it with them - get your entire inheritance and then decide who if any that you want to help. But maybe they really need the money more than I do and I’m being an asshole for withholding it from them since they have a family. amIasshole89. Follow through on what your mom established: Her $$ goes to you. Respecting your grandmothers wishes is all you can do here. Firstly, my grandparents specifically chose to leave everything to me, likely I have therefore chosen (with support from my wife) to will a larger portion of inheritance to my biological daughter. 2) respecting my dad's feelings post mortem of my siblings. It's a hard job that never ends. I (41m) have two kids (14m and 16f) with my ex "Tammy" (37f) and according to the divorce decree neither one of us can take the kids out of state without prior written consent from the other. Yeah, the adoption took away any legal right (at least where I'm from) to the inheritance. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Your wealth makes you a target for frivolous lawsuits. You are not obligated to carry your mother. My mom struggled a lot in her life. Social media users have become obsessed with AITA, which stands for Am I The A* By sharing your inheritance with these two, you are basically enabling their strong sense of entitlement. ”. AITA For Not Sharing My Inheritance with My Parents? Not the A-hole. If he becomes verbally or physically violent protect yourself and involve the police. Consider an “Umbrella Policy” with your insurance company for at least $5mil. A bit of background. Since your mom and grandparents raised you and your brother, your GPs treated you in the will as their children. Muted_Star_367. ". Tell them that you got so stress by them pressuring you to give them your inheritance you donated all of it to "name of specific charity" so to relive the stress and get on with your life. I am an 21 year old male and i have brother 20. Grandma could be a lot to handle and would try to play the victim if things didn’t go her way. I might be an asshole because I don’t need the inheritance but she does and I denied her of this money which she may deserve. Please don't try to sell or fundraise through this community, and please don't be an Asconaut to other people. '. To preface, I'm the youngest of 7 children (5 boys, 2 girls) and our ages vary greatly, also 2 of my siblings are adopted, my sister and one of my brothers who came to live with us when she was 16, he was 18, and I was 11 (my other siblings had moved out) and my InheritanceThrowawa. Our mom was a SHM who took in foster kids while my father worked one, sometimes two, jobs to provide for us. FarFaithlessness6615. I had a good childhood and a great relationship with my parents my entire life. throwawaysonofpappa. This one proves that it’s nurture over nature. In their will, they designated specific assets to each of us—myself and my two siblings (30M and 28F). I am 187 cm (6foot1) and am a quite good looking guy he on the other hand is only 174 N-T-A judgements per rules say N-T-A means the opposing party is the asshole. What I get is the contents of the home. However, the value of these assets isn't equal, and therein lies the issue. Three years later Dad married his wife. Pissedanonmoo. They weren't happy and felt that as Bob's legal children they should get EVERYTHING, wouldn't hear about accepting any less, and called me a greedy witch with a b. The family cut contact with her save for a few relatives. At some point she will be at your door wanting you to take her in and you pay her way. AITA for not sharing my inheritance with my other siblings? Not the A-hole. If you still hold resentment with how they treated you then that is a valid reason not to share your inheritance as well. SeniorFondant7228. My grandpa gave me a huge inheritance and didnt give any to my sister. It's a pretty clear indication that your parents wanted to leave you everything. But a few people have told me that, ya, maybe I am. chubby-wench. But you need to be straight up with him and tell him he isn't going to have access to it. ADMIN MOD. OP has been paying taxes on that property since the age of 18. NAH but be prepared to lose your siblings over it. throwaway. We welcome victims (and their sympathizers) who wish to share their experiences and receive support without being censored by mobs of pit apologists. But if my dad gave me all his inheritance I’d still give my brother half. I am so glad you had Lee in your life. Of that inheritance, 50% went to my mother, and 25% to me and my half-sister each. The blame befalls on your father. AITA For Not Sharing My Inheritance With My Cousin That Her "Father" Left Me? Not the A-hole. " He and my aunt "Sarah" (55f) started dating when I was 3 and we just had this type of instant bond. For context, me and my brother have never met my grandad. Your grandma had a clear reason for what she did, so it's not like there's any "funny business" that would make her will invalid. NAH. Backstory: My (27f) mom (53f) has had a really hard life. I told them it was absurd, and it wasn't my fault that he wasted his part of the inheritance. I was already 20 when they decided to get throwaway8356289. She got an inheritance from her grandfather a few years ago. My (20m) half brother (36m) and half sister (35f) have a different dad than me. AITA for Giving All My Inheritance to My Brother and None to My Sister. My (24m) grandma and my mom (55f) always had a rocky relationship. So to start off, I (27f) and Rich (fake name 25m) was there when dad (45m) was alive ever since my egg donor (50f) divorce was finalized 11 years ago due to her infidelity. Ultimately your Gram left it to you and not them, if your Gram explicitly left it to solely you in her Will then you have no obligation to share it if you don't want to. We document countless attacks on people, pets and livestock; expose all layers of propaganda and value safety and peace of mind in our homes and communities. She worked a lot and saved money for me to go to Jessica was never close to my mom's side of the family because she'd rather spend time with Lucy's family and/or didn't want to hurt their feelings. AITA for not splitting an inheritance with my Mother. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! AITA for not giving up my inheritance for my brother. I am also the executor of the estate. AITA I didn't disclose the detailed of my inheritance to my wife. However, my siblings (30M and 28F) have approached me asking for a portion of the inheritance. CONTEXT : she never visited him, she did once after finding out about his huge inheritance". They did not. I want money too. The correct judgment is NAH. She had a hard time adjusting, made a lot of bad decisions, and basically ran away in her late teens. I, 23 (m) have 2 sisters, I'll call them Lisa (28), Kenzie (19). Mom tries to make up for giving her daughter away by giving away OPs money, though I get the sentiment, this will only divide the family, really hope she didn't tell her "daughter" about the inheritance as that could've set her up for a lot of hurt and fighting. I have recently inherited a property from my grandmother. My siblings are F54, M51, M41. Your brother invested nothing into his relationship with his father. We are based in the UK. AITA for not sharing my inheritance from my maternal grandmother with my siblings? Not the A-hole. I hope, and trust, that you show more respect to your mother than he did to your father. Take your share and make yourself scarce. You sacrificed a lot to be your parents' caretaker. I was super excited when I came to know about it thinking that we'd be able to Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My grandfather was a rough man and family stayed away from him. OP's brother has done nothing wrong in the story about inheritance, so he does not deserve to be ruled as an asshole, which is what N-T-A would judge. 2 more replies. Then you get the 'you should have been more responsible with your money' talk. My dad was a junkie when I was born, and when I was three just picked up and left my mom and me. I never knew he was rich , he never told me If your parents wanted your siblings to share in the inheritance, they would have had their wills drafted accordingly. My mom passed away recently and I found out she was explicitly disinherited as well. If I were in OP's shoes, then in the name of justice and in the name of my mother's memory, I would have sacrificed my father's inheritance. throwaway10111999. My father passed away two weeks ago leaving behind me and Rich along Judged but not sharing my inheritance. However, he also left a note saying that he wanted me to meet his family to get the money and forgive him saying that he regretted not being a good father to ADMIN MOD. But, I’m not so guileless as to creep in on someone inheritance by holding my hand out as if I was forgotten and not trying to scavenge off of the deceased’s estate. Yea like my artist brother is gonna spend all his inheritance on partying, music festivals, alcohol and various drugs. I wasn't allowed to keep any pictures in my room and I would catch My mom passed away recently and I found out she was explicitly disinherited as well. He wasn’t mean, racist or homophobic; he was just rough in his ways, he pr Oct 4, 2022 · A man said in a now-viral post that he doesn't want to share his inheritance with his sister after years of estrangement. EmeraldBeachxx. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. : ( I am so sorry. Screw your half sister, and your full sister too, for that matter. For a while now, I've (30, F) been on a high horse thinking I'm not the asshole. NTA - You don’t owe your half siblings anything. My wife has been a SAHW since the beginning of our marriage. Its your inheritance. If you want to use it to get a head start in life then so be it. I (20m) am the youngest of 4 and the only boy we have me (using fake names) isak, honey (21f) Beth (24f) and vicky (26f) when I was 17 I caught my mother having an affair, she tried talking me out of telling my dad even going so far as to For example, if it was $100K, your father's share would be $50K, you and the siblings would be entitled to 25% each (the three bio children of your mother would be entitled to 33% of her portion of the estate as well). In all, there's going to be about $600k disbursed. Brother is reaping what he sowed and this is not an issue between you and him; it is between mom and him and her actions spoke loudly. The original poster (OP) is a 25-year-old woman who was engaged to her high school sweetheart. My (28m) grandfather (dad’s father) passed away a year ago but the problems are happening now. AITA for Refusing to Share My Inheritance with My Siblings? I (32F) recently inherited a substantial sum of money from my late grandparents' estate. Throwaway. rw rk lt yi ds dj qa pw vo qq