Getting a cat reddit

You want to make sure that the cat has furniture to scratch (if it is not declawed - some adult cats in shelters are front declawed) to avoid having to pay for any damages. If the container is translucent, drape a towel or fabric over it for shade or concealment. I agree with the shelter that a chill male would be a good 2nd cat for your situation. it's been only ten days since i got him but i already feel a lot happier and lively. Reply reply More replies. They aren’t friends I’ve seen this too. General advice is to get a cat that's the opposite sex of your current. They’re rather large cats, and need LOTS of space to roam. 2-3 years is when they begin mellowing and settling into a set personality, though indoor cats can live anywhere from 15-20 years so even a cat as old as eight will still give you a good run time. Not saying that it can necessarily happen, but something to consider with adopting a new cat! Especially if it's a younger cat. Some long haired cats need occasional grooming to prevent matting/overheating. Adult cats are very forgiving of a college student’s schedule, so it should not be too challenging to take care of. Looking into it most people said getting an adult cat could really stress out both, and getting a kitten would be better for both. Even if you do, there can still be trouble. 2. Stop spending. I wouldn’t get an adult cat unless I feel ethically obliged, which I don’t. You just have to ask yourself if you really want to be in a studio with a litterbox. Stage 1: Designate a safe room. Play with them every single day - at least 20-30 minutes of focused, undistracted (you, not them) play time. The very best partner for a kitten is a litter mate. Our indoor cat went missing for 13 days and we finally found her late last night. I am so heartbroken. They don’t need outside time like dogs do, and are proven to live longer, healthier lives compared to outdoor cats. I had a crazy cato in a studio, he just needed window access and lots of stimulation. Especially a medium to large dog. It’s totally okay to have a cat in an apartment. Introducing a new cat should be done in stages in order to preserve your resident cat's feeling of security and place in the home. But at the end of the day, personality matters the most. Cats produce 6 proteins people are allergic to. Honestly, just in general get your kitten used to things that you would do at the vet! Fiddle with their paws, gently pull their ears and tail (very gently your just getting them used to being touched in those areas!) put them on their back, ect. A kitten can be trained and welcomed into the space and they have barely any memories of the space or home they had before. Good quality food (dry and/or wet) based on age (kitten, adult, senior, etc. It’s ok to re-home her. Think back to when your cat was a kitten the age of the kitten you are looking for. I would just say leave the toilet seat down, don't leave string or cotton or elastic bands laying around, and if you don't want them on your surfaces, just shoo them off- they'll learn. Pictures, videos, questions, and articles featuring/about cats. Kittens will have a lot more energy and will need much more attention from you. Otherwise I clean out the poo and pee every other day. Other tips: Grain-free wet food is best. If you're going to walk him, be careful he doesn't contract diseases or parasites from other animals (through feces, for example) Indoor is better than outdoor, in my opinion. Sensitive/Seeking Support. Getting a cat Need to know how to brefriend one. If the cat is going to be alone for long portions of time, consider getting two cats. if your worried about loneliness, you can always get two cats. 8. Also, get ready to have its butthole in your face. Fishtanks are amazing for this too, cats will sit and watch for hours. Most shelter cats are confined to a small cage, so your loving home, no matter the size, would be a substantial step up. He literally loved every single person of my They love to stare out the window, so you can get him a platform so he can sit there. Maine Coons are more pack oriented than most cats. I love animals, I've had dog, cats and other pets while growing up. Do not get an animal if you are never home, a student, and have listed the option of giving it away when shit doesn't work out. ago. (OK panic attacks are a bit odd). The store brand Claritin is not too expensive. ) Most importantly, be sure you have the time to play & really engage with your cat a few times a day. Cats don't need walks. If you get a good mouser breed, they do a damn good job at clearing out mice. I have a house cat. When I was manic two months ago I thought it would be a great idea to get an older-ish Definitely get another kitten. No matter how hard I tried, my cats can't get along - at all, without trying to kill each other - so they're permanently separated. I currently have a similar size space with 1 cat and it’s perfect! Try to find someone who will work with you on looking for a cat that will be good with a dog. Reply reply. Due to Covid restrictions I was not able to meet any cats in person, I Clean the litter box regularly, every couple of days for just one cat. In short: We have adopted a kitten and my beloved resident cat literally hates me now. She was at the front of our apartment complex and we were lucky enough to see her run behind some bushes in front of the leasing office. Cats love to chew on plants, and some (lilies come to mind) are extremely toxic and can kill a cat. Anything else, keep their litter boxes clean. I will no longer reside in a dormitory but instead will be in a house. I would prefer to rescue an adult cat. Place litter boxes in your cat’s “home base” (the room that she will get used to first) then place in a low traffic area. ”. He doesn't want one and feels that his word goes. I've had my resident cat (5 yo, F) for most of her life and have been planning/wanting to adopt a second cat for many months now. • 6 mo. Cats don’t need to be bathed unless there is a medical reason like fleas or ringworm or if they’re incapable of grooming themselves, like a senior cat who can longer comfortably reach parts of the body. Leave the door partly open. Yea, I think most people would tell you that you have a good situation for a cat. tface23. We use Foot & Screwdriver, I mean Arm & Hammer Skip the asshole kitten stage and adopt an adult. If you don't, after say a month, then fine, return it. Purines makes a specific food for cats that when they eat it, it controls their dander, making them more pleasant to live with if you have allergies! It's called Putin's LiveClear. Make sure you have lots of cat toys and a tall cat tree so they can climb and scratch as they please. I made a mistake getting a cat. A friend recently adopted a kitten and the rescue knew they had a dog, so they chose a kitten specifically known to be outgoing, friendly, and fearless. Diatomaceous earth is a totally safe way to help kill fleas. Just make sure not to breathe it. I won’t have a roommate and the room I’ll be Talk to your cats all the time, just like regular people. I now only am effected by the cat if she scratches me. Getting a cat really helped my depression, especially with routine and having a little companion. I thought I would get my older cat a friend and instead, I got him a arch nemesis. The amount of vet bills, food, etc etc I spend on my dog is quite significant compared to my cat. I have 3 cats with a 4 year span between them. Hello, here are some overall tips for adopting a new cat! Kittens are cute, but it's important to keep in mind that they require a lot of attention for the first few weeks. I don't It doesn’t matter much, but it really depends in the cat. If cartoons have taught me anything about this subject it's that cats are actually terrible at catching mice, even when they have seemingly limitless supply of money to buy elaborate traps and costumes. You can sprinkle it around/on any of her bedding, and even on her. My cat is my best friend and I love her so much. I think our first cat would rather be bored than be prey hunted 24/7. Keep our food and water at all times. Lastly and often looked down upon, people choose pets because they look a certain way. You seem to care about the cat and have a good attitude. They also are more prone to biting Get your cat spayed/neutered regardless of whether or not it will be outside- around 6 months old is ideal. getting a cat was the best decision ever. I have tried to discuss this with my husband and he has stated NO. walking in circles, a cat will not go near it. lol at then end with 4 cats and no more space to buy more cats, I succumbed and proposed Determine what cat personality best suits you and your household. kcin1204. By vacuuming too frequently, you will never have a change to get used to the allergen. I got my second cat two years after the first one. They don’t like to be disturbed when going to the bathroom! I had an obese cat I adopted at 21 lbs that I managed to get down to a healthy 12 after a few years! (He is a very large cat at 12 is healthy for his size). SirCupsy. Because you have no reason to think she's anywhere near death, you should resist the urge to ask for advice and plan ahead---all you're doing is feeding the intrusive thought rather than resisting it. Cats. Cats strongly prefer to drink from a moving water source over a still one. Some cats don’t like other cats and should not live in a household with more than one cat. If your cats are older, I would go for a cat that is at least 1-2 years. Make sure to set money aside for vaccinations and spay/neuter. Get a fountain type water bowl, especially if you have a male. Studies also show that having a pet is very good at alleviating depression. That being said, it is more energy and more expensive when it comes to care. Take good care of her and find her a forever home. Otherwise, cats are self-cleaning. Kittens on the other hand are more playful, but they only stay little for a short time. Citrus or lemon scents (orange peels, lemon peels), garlic, ammonia, vinegar, coffee grinds, pipe tobacco, mustard, citronella, or eucalyptus all deter cats as well. Dogs are like toddlers, and are worse than babies as puppies. Yes but get the right cat & consider adopting a 2-5 year old if your 10 year old cat is a cranky old man. Getting less sleep, a bit stress etc. We have adopted a 3 months old kitten (Nacho) as we hoped it will be a good companion to our 1,5 years old friendly and mellow girl cat (Tokyo), an absolute centre of universe for us. I'm now 21 and my cat is a part of my soul and identity. Definitely start asap while the cat is young, getting him used to the harness and starting the basic steps. GhostlyCelestial. beantownz. However, because the cat spends a lot of time outside, I would be wary. I say, if you have the money and time, go for it. i am happy at work, i am happy at home. Getting a second cat is not the magic solution for every single cat issue. Be ready to wake up frantic, thinking someone broke in to find out it’s only your cat having a spaz attack. Regret my own timing; definitely. Scratching is a part of owning a cat, don't own a cat if you don't like scratching. Advice on getting another cat. (They will almost certainly cause chaos and destruction if left alone too long). Pros: More cat for me. I use this to keep mine focused away Probably about 2 years old would be best as far as a balance of energy levels and adaptability. Cats are pretty much anywhere! They have very high social needs and aren't satisfied just by play with another cat. Right now the cat is feeling traumatized and it will need time to feel secure again. Adding a second cat later on can turn your house into a war zone, especially if you don’t do it correctly. While I like to think that cats can remember us for that long, until you come back the cat may feel like it has been abandoned. Less than $15/month. Adult cat would be perfect. And because you know how severely allergic he is, exposing him, let alone bringing a cat into his house is highly illegal. I know cats are less maintenance than kittens, and that adopting an adult cat most likely means saving a life, since adult cats almost never get adopted. I’d go for a kitten, an older cat won’t bond with you as much and same goes to you, when you raise a kitten you become bonded to it, seeing it age means a lot and deepens your love for it. If the cat jumps on you say no and put it on the floor. I have two cats, and one is super cuddly and clingy while the other loves to explore and is much more outgoing. Feeling guilty/anxious after adopting a second cat. Bird feeders outside your windows, with a scratcher in the sill, or a window perch if you don't have a sill big enough to sit on. • 3 yr. Keep 1-2 litter boxes out and clean as much as possible. •. Last week I adopted a new young cat (1-2 yo, M) after much consideration. Share. One of mine (female) has a much harder time getting along with other females than males. I'm thinking about getting a cat. Place these around the apartment (on a table by a window, facing the outside), or wherever. My cat likes to try and sit on our chest with his rear end in our face. Having my furry animals around helps to ground me and makes me feel so much better which is why I am considering bringing my cat to college with me. She's extremely bonded to me and I Me and my girlfriend wanted a second cat. However, I definitely think it’s worth it. LuckyAd5910. My parents decided that I needed something to spend time with so they took me to an adoption fair. Enjoy your friends' cats instead. Cats are weird man. Whatever you choose, good luck with the separation anxiety! 2. They're loud, troublesome, etc. Most like attention at least some of the time. Trying to force their hand on this might just mean the cat won't get all the care it absolutely needs. The first couple weeks we kept them separate with small introductions. We’re almost positive she was hiding in a small pipe Cats usually get bored and want down after a minute or so of that. Also, most reputable breeders do genetic testing to avoid certain diseases, so if you want more guarantee for your cat's health, then that might also be another reason why you want to get the cat from a breeder. Any questions, please ask- I'm sure you'll love having a cat. They have the agility and curiosity to get into everything. Try rats for small animal that enjoys being petted, makes a happy noise when being petted, and can use a litter box, But who does not claw. A cat might be better in your dorm than a dog. 4. Also, a complete change in territory can stress them out too. You get a cat when you have a stable career and living situation and aren't constantly moving and not home. A fur brush is also nice to remove shedding fur. We love her like she would be our own child. Wet cat food is another option of keeping your cat properly hydrated. Kittens are easier to adopt out than cats, so find a new home for her. We didn't actually get the kitten though until about 7 months in total after his passing. Depends on the age of the cat and their personality. Eventually cat “plays”with the mouse so much it dies and cat gets bored and walks away. Cats won't hold you to a routine like dogs do. Cats are usually pretty independent, but kittens also require a lot of energy and time. Whatever choice you make, I hope it helps you. A studio is fine, as long as they're getting adequate enrichment. As for age, I always say something similar or younger. Being trained doesn't preclude them testing boundaries, either, especially if they only associate your presence as the reason not to do something. Reply. I was a lonely pre-teen with a hearing disability in the country exterior of the suburbs. unerudite. Dogs demand that you make a lot of concessions of your own life, some in ways you hadn't considered until it goes rummaging around your house. Now: : r/cats. Every cat has such a unique personality. Make sure you get food with a low bone or ash content otherwise your cat can be chronically constipated. some cats may need a running water pet fountain to get enough water. i feel like it cures my depression. But it’s unpredictable. Cats, like people, have different personalities. 1. You could kill your father. I (21 F) was diagnosed bipolar 3 years ago, and I always felt like I needed more structure and emotional support when my family and friends couldn’t provide that for me. They usually grow out of it though. The thing is, she's an indoor cat, so she hasn't had much experience around other animals. It is also a jet black cat, which tend not to do so well getting rehomed from rescue centres. Many behavioral problems can be prevented when a cat's mental & physical health are in a good place. A lot of domestic cats aren't actually that great at catching rodents. Having another furball around is its own reward. For them, your home is paradise. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, all 4 of which are very good with the rats (our oldest dog actually thinks they're babies! she loves babies a lot haha). It is “controversial” and a lot of vets don’t like it but the vets all suggest foods loaded with corn and sugar and things cats don’t need. I was worried that she was lonely during the day so I thought I’d adopt a second cat so she would have company. And always reward with lots of treats! Be a part of something that cares about who you are. Dry food is cheaper than wet food, but if you do go dry, make sure to get higher grade food. wallaceeffect. Cats are strictly indoor pets. If not fixed, toms tend to spray urine to mark their territory. Save cash. The more the cat parent can engage with a cat, the better behaved the cat will be, and the happier you both will be. Cats may have things THEY want or things they’re used to. Problem : I kinda want to be in a good relationship with my cat, and every cat I met hated me. Not that other cats can’t be best friends they absolutely can. Cats are climbers - expect your cat to climb places in your house. Kittens also tend to have more energy and can be more curious than older cats, requiring more supervision, training, and attention. I find that introducing a kitten to older cats doesn't go too well. You can look up breeds with lower dander plus use dander spray. They argue that it leaves a cat defenseless 2: I’m not sure how to answer this one unfortunately, it really does depend on the cat. You will also need a litterbox, litter, food and water dishes, and food. We are not getting a cat. Cats are also social creatures and they can really benefit from bonding with another cat. I had good luck with the Hills Science Diet prescription weight loss cat food, though it is expensive. Wet food is your friend - although the most common cat food is dry one, wet food will help your cat in the long run, it's just a much better option than just using dry food. I call my lady “the queen” too- sounds like a similar personality. Their argument is that declawing causes pain and psychological distress for a cat, as it tends to try to behave as if it had claws only to be frustrated at its inability to complete the task. I am soon going to move houses and I decided to take a cat once I finished. Use your cat as a guide; judge his response to each step and determine if he is ready to move forward in the process. Advice. Leash training is hit-or-miss, many cats will never learn to go for walks like a dog, but most cats can at least be trained to tolerate the harness and leash and let you follow them around while they explore. We're about to nosedive into a bad recession. They’re smart and very active cats. Having pets may help with your depression, but won't heal you, it's a side-help, if you want to adopt a cat, maybe you should be ready to give them for adoption if you're not able to take care of them correctly. 3: This really wouldn’t work for a bengal unfortunately. sift through/scoop the litter box once a day so it doesn't smell bad. I regret adopting a second cat. My 13 year old cat Dante🌈 was the hyper-est cat I have ever known. About every month or so I empty the boxes completely and clean their boxes. I'm considering getting another cat, but I want to make sure it would be good for both me, my current furball, and the new addition. You absolutely can not get a cat. We live in a rural area, no roads nearby and plenty of fun for a cat to be had as we live in the woods. It's quite normal that first days will be difficult if you've never had pets. Kittens are probably easier to adjust when it comes to their comfort and confidence, but I think the trade-offs are pretty equal when it comes to modifying your home environment to accommodate them. Even small dogs. I think getting an adult shelter cat would be a perfect fit. Also use an air purifier for allergens and keep your place well vacuumed. I recommend starting with these three - cat body language, food safety, home safety. You don't need people convincing you that you need a cat in your life if you ain't willing to commit and take responsibility for another living being's well being. Stay calm and repeat until the cat accepts it. I would say ONLY get two cats if they are a bonded pair. If you have a local cat cafe, they often function as adoption centers. I mean come on, give it some time, probably you'll get used to it and start liking it. Kittens are super adoptable, so I would say keep her for a month and see if you're still feeling the same way. Cats can help with depression and loneliness, absolutely. He's everything I wanted - affectionate, lap cat, loving. Nothing is more aggravating than a female cat in heat and leaving them unfixed can lead to horrible uterine infections. I got my cat when she was 7 weeks old. If you could, I’d look into some bengal cat owner forums and poke around there. The American shorthair that is most common in shelters is actually really good. Smells that repel cats: To keep cats out of yards or gardens, plant the herb rue or sprinkle dried rue. The only problem I ever came across was with the litter box, get a small bin you can use just for scooping litter and get a nice clumping clay litter, make it a routine that whenever you walk past it you scoop anything out and into the bin. Moving in general is a pain in the ass, but having a cat shouldn’t complicate it any more. They're incredibly independent, which means you can go to work (or school) and leave them in the house all day by themselves, and they'll be fine. When they get older they have their independence but their exercise and lifestyle will be a part of your own. Bonus they're even more trainable than cats OR dogs. I fell in love with our cat! realized how easy they were to care for. It’s a huge responsibility raising a kitten. This is pure meat and minerals. At first they did not get along but after letting them hang out in supervision, they made peace. ericaesther. Just remember to cover your furniture with a blanket or slip cover to keep it from getting scratched up If a mouse is acting brain damaged, eg. However! Everyone of them, cat and kitten alike will wake me if they are hungry. Cats in shelters are often living in kennels or 200 ft² rooms with 10 other cats. I would recommend getting 2 cats so they can entertain each other. ErrantWhimsy. It will be about their routine, their way. But wet food if you can. Getting a second kitten makes LESS work for the human because they'll play with each other and you can just watch them be cute. There are some issues however, about which I'd like to ask your opinion on: I live in an apartment in 3rd floor, ±90m 3 and ±10m 3 balcony. I feed my cats Purina One. Cats are the best pets. We did, however, still have another older cat with us, which was helpful for us but we did know we would eventually want another. Match your cat’s gender & energy level. I honestly don't think it matters, but this is what vets and cat behaviorists generally recommend from what I've researched. We've got a great one in Leeds and you get to hang out with a bunch of cats, enjoy some tea and cake, and if you fall in love with any of the fluffers your can inquire about adopting it. . A cat basically gains no benefit from eating human food instead of cat food, and it's really easy to harm the cat. Just make sure to get a food safe version. You’re furniture will get scratched, litter will be tracked through your house, and cat hair will float all over the place. ADMIN MOD. A spray bottle is good to have around in case your new cat is a little naughty :p. HypnoPhyre. Look up the "puppy blues", it's actually a really common phenomena to have a feeling of fear/stress/regret to making the major life change of adopting a pet like a dog or a cat. 500sqft isn’t enough space for two cats to cohabitate unless they have a strong bond coming in. There was a cat roaming around my grandparent's house. Dogs require a LOT of attention and energy. Those on the other side have a simpler, but equally powerful argument: declawing a cat is cruel and inhumane. Just accept it and wait until you have a stable living situation of your own. Simply put: if you are afraid to commit do not get a cat. My guy is 12 and so much more spry and energetic after losing the weight! Having rats (always at least 2, but 3 or more is best) is totally fine with cats. Declaw. Two cats means at least two litter boxes, preferably three, more dishes to wash and double the vet bills. I went through the same thing. I struggle a lot with depression and anxiety and I am currently in college. Cats are also fundamentally dislike change, and make fast adaptations in response. Also used it to my advantage, every time gf wanted to have chat where this relationship is going, I would buy her a kitten and distract her for about 8-12 months, this happened 3 times. Senior cats will be more mellow and can usually be left alone during the day without issue. Treat it like you'd treat any other intrusive thought--- relabel, refocus, revalue. So we adopted a female kitten. They're super high energy, so they burn a ton of calories, so they need over half a pound of soft food every day. 3. Cat is letting the mouse rest hoping it runs again because it still wants to hunt/play. yellowydaffodil. I was ready before my husband was though, so I just waited it out until he felt he could give enough love to a new cat. They keep each other busy, entertain, fight, play, and groom. Leaving a present for you to clean up You don't have to stay on it for long or forever --just use it to get you over the hump for a few months. They need a lot of attention and care, and as u/Sylvene already said if you are going the route of the kitten and work long hours, best to get two. I’m a fan of getting 2 at a time, so they can keep each other occupied, play and socialize while you are gone. She's now 1. Cats are pretty independent so they can handle being on their own while you’re at work. They are all airborne and take years to decay after the cat has left the premises. So I always leave a little something to get them through the 2am hungries. Get them used to other people and animals, brushing, nail trimming. It is freeze dried and you rehydrate it. • 5 yr. It's recommended you do it weekly, but it's up to you. I chose my feline partner of 10 years that day. It would be very helpful if you could go through the pros and cons with me, and help me make up my mind. They love eating people food if it's meat or dairy (side note: cover your butter if you leave it on the countertop, unless you like cat-tongue shaped grooves). But give it a chance first. 6. Now: Archived post. Sounds like a cat would be a great fit for your lifestyle. It will cost a bit more, but it has more protein. Definitely an oatmeal type shampoo/conditioner will help. Award. Mouse is tired so it takes a break hoping it can outsmart the cat and mad dash away. That said, leash training for supervised walks is an option for high energy cats. Basic things to start with: Good litter box and litter. Based on my experience, I wouldn't hesitate to adopt an older cat. Just be mindful that they have different personalities. If the cat is a proper mouser cat, yes. Older cats have a harder time adjusting to kittens because they're so playful, whereas the older ones are usually a lot lazier. I definitely recommend just about anyone to get a cat, there are so many cats in shelters who saw just stuck in small cages. Wanted to give an update as I received so much support on my last post. So more work means a lot more work with this breed. I've been depressed and lonely lately and feel like having such companion could help me a bit. The older cat would assert dominance and teach the young one the rules of their house. 2 months ago: “we absolutely are not getting a cat. For ex, if the shelter was bigger or had more cats than your apartment, they may not understand why. This gives kitty several secure areas, in addition to chairs, sofas and beds, where they can chillax and sleep. They will bond to you easily because you are the food bringer, but you have to be around to train and discipline, and subsequently reward, if you want a well adapted cat. These are not "excuses", they're genuine reasons why they think your family isn't ready for a cat. With food, water, and a litter box left out for them, they technically could be on their own (as adult cats) for up to a week! Regret getting my cat; no. If you're concerned about the quality of the cat food you're using, you're much better off switching to a higher-quality cat food than "supplementing" with random human food. Mice also generally stay away from the scent of a cat. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I am not sure if I should get an adult cat or a kitten. Spinosaurus23. Cat is a lot more affordable than a dog, on average. Planters full of cat grass, spider plants, and other cat edible plants, with a water bowl and a bed nearby. If you adopt a single kitten however, be prepared to be woken up at night as it will want company and it will want to play while you want to sleep. That is what my doctor told me, and it has worked. 20. Once you feel ready to commit revisit the idea. AwkwardVoicemail. Keep their box clean and pay attention to them when they talk to you. cocksure_whistler. In the end, it is your choice, and the mere fact that you are thinking this through and considering the cat's happiness, says a lot about your character and temperament. We have had her for about a month and a half. My partner and I are moving to a new place and thought this would be a good opportunity to get her a friend since she's still very playful and loves to explore. iw gn ko jw wg us fp sc fc oj