I m21 slapped my girlfriend reddit

M21/F23. My mom found out and came back for me and took me to another state because I was prohibited from seeing him again. And have been talking since 8th grade off and on. It’s always been fantastic and we’ve never had any major issues. 5 years. I was going through a tough time in my life and she (Kloe) has been my rock since. Not asked, hoping she would ask you the same. Breaking up with her was a hard thing to do but it was necessary. She gives me mixed comments, one day saying “yeah actually it’s very big” then saying it’s not that big. Me and my girlfriend are both international students and we met in college about 3 months ago. But after her exams her behaviour totally changed towards me she no longer wanted to talk to me the way she used to before. About 6-7 months ago, my girlfriend and I were trying “anal” play on each other and I enjoyed it. Please do not repost. She’s been my best friend for as long as I’ve known her. Like the title says, I have been with my girlfriend for two years and struggle to trust her. I think its great. so i’m in a relationship my first one and it feels really nice for things to have reciprocated for once in my life. She broke up with me on the spot and we have been touch and go since. You are not in the wrong for that, and it hurts me to see you overthinking that. Because of it, I dropped out of school and I went into depression. You should be able to trust your SO to go to events with her friends alone. Me and my current gf have been together since may this year. At the time I didn’t under why and would get angry with her when she voiced her concern. u/MaleficentRisk6279. My [M21] girlfriend [F22] found out her mother is cheating on her father with a woman My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2. Still feeling bad after 6 months. I'm now making connections to some of her behaviors, like she didn't like it when I tagged her on my posts or that she wanted to keep our relationship private. I (M21) think I’m falling out of love with my girlfriend (F21) My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now. She went through my phone and found my wank bank as well as messages between me and friends where I vent to them about our issues. I’ve played guitar with her 11 year old brother a couple times had lunch with her I've gotten mixed reviews on this. I just assumed this was just to see if I was worthy of his sister or not, by giving me this harsh treatment. A couple said I did terrible things to her and made her feel awful. The cops show up about 5 card and begin to question her and my family. When i made the original post i definitely didn't thought it would blow up like this. This happens a third time, where I get pulled away by another customer, and they flame me. This month i am competing at the nonutnovember so we dont have sex. I've also seen a few who shared it including the new update. I immediately regretted it a day after and bawled in her arms begging for forgiveness. I had a Close friend who was a girl and my gf didn’t like her. I told my girlfriend I might be curious about my sexuality but never told her about my trauma experience. I can't believe that I'm updating again after such a long time but now something happened and I think some of you might be interested. Sounds like she is taking things at a normal pace and you’re wanting to treat this like a well established relationship. ” ThrowRA-82_09. My girlfriend hit me and I don't know how to proceed in our relationship. A week after we broke up I had heard she slept with someone already and that Some of the benefits would be living with my girlfriend (obviously), and I have to pay less rent to her parents compared to the place I live in right now (I would be saving around 200$ per month). I have not been in many relationships, so I'm not really good at relationships. Then I met my GF18 and she actually chose and wanted me as her BF. Besides my now ex girlfriend i only had one friend. The brother in question's cold treatment towards me continued until it had I (M21) cheated on my girlfriend (F22) on grindr about 6-7 months ago and she found out about a month and a half ago. How do I tell her I don't want to see her again? For context, we had a very fusionnal relationship that lasted for about 6 months, and I ended it because I didn't have enough time to make ends meet on my side while maintaining the level of proximity she required I (m21) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (f21), for two years. While I’m so happy for her and that she’s getting what she’s prayed for and having an awesome experience, I feel like when I text her on the morning, or throughout . He opened a conversation to which she later said that she has a boyfriend. r/relationship_advice. She’s great, she’s very good to me and we have similar interests. And in my case, that kind of feeling is new. She was also aware of his previous assault and he told her to not do It as it triggers him. But it lead me to be a little curious about my sexuality which I mentioned to my girlfriend. We have been dating for just over an over a year now and every thing was going great until she started a new class in college with (m32) we will call him jay. just one night out we were dancing as friends and then she spoke to me and said she wants to kiss me even though my friend was right behind me so I told her to go in the corner to tell me again and she said it again and then went in for The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver So I (M21) have a girlfriend (F20) that is in college right now. You can’t go Hand-in-hand everywhere, codependency is not healthy. There is no "I don't trust him, but I trust her". How do i even start this? Let me just start by saying that i would never slap her intentionally. By saying that you don't feel comfortable with her hanging out with him, is telling her that despite what you are saying A) You DID tell her she couldn't go, without upsetting the relationship and B) YOU DO NOT TRUST YOUR GIRLFRIEND. Our communication was great and we knew exactly what the other needed all the time. Me and Lucie kept on talking to each others. A couple of days later she told me that she got bladder infection and it was so serious and painful for her that she had to spend a night in the hospital. My girlfriend and I have slept in multiple beds, of multiple sizes and firmness. My (F21) girlfriend and I (M21) have been dating for 3 months but we spend like every minute together and traveled together. She is your girlfriend. What I’ve found out throughout the relationship is that she’s a great person when sober but when she’s drunk, it seems like everything changes. My girlfriend was dmed by a guy a few weeks back and she never told me but I saw the messages. But i think she let that go. She aksed me if its okay that she doesnt shave in this time and i said sure. its not like i’m solving any of it i just wanna know what happened every single My gf (F27) and I (M21) have been together for 3 years now and are from the other sides of the globe making long distance a hard endeavour for the both of us, in saying that we are able to see that our love is beyond distance with our relationship has being of utmost loyalty, respect and admiration and what I believe to be a perfect companion. Around 7 months ago my girlfriend and I were experimenting sexually and we tried “anal play”. Unbelievably she did something similar to what happened to you. Either way what I’m horribly trying to ask is, what happened after you slapped her. but there’s these small things that keep happening and trust me theyre very small ignoreable things as she tells me that everytime. Part 1/2 : Yes, your girlfriend's behaviors constitute as abusive and controlling behaviors. Around my birthday mid March of 2024, I asked my parents if I could invite her and they said yeah. Relationships. So then my mom came down and got involved and asked what happened, we told her and she insisted that if it was true we needed to call the cops. Like, hourly. If you wanted to tell her something, you should’ve done that. As your girlfriend, she shouldn't be saying that. She cooks for me, scratches my back all the time, always wants to be around me and include me in everything that she’s doing, and generally just amazing. So my girlfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months and have been official for about 3. Just this one friend. I, M 21 have know my girlfriend F 20 for six months. Hi, Reddit. I (m21) think my girlfriend (f23) is too controlling. For context we are both students in university, I’m from Canada and she’s from Romania. This "ship" lasted about 6 months. New. And I did my best to show her the love and spend all the time I can with her to make up my mistake. She has told me that this has made it hard to form any long lasting in-person friendships with people and that she is very attached I was drunk one night and decided I was fed up with the relationship so I called Steph, said a bunch of mean stuff, and broke up with her. If you read my previous posts about this topic you know what happened. I have been dating my girlfriend for around 6 months. He asked her if I check the messages and to which she responded, “if he trusts me then no. I will do my best to be as clear as I can; I have a lot to say. Okay. Lately, she's been interested in going clubbing. Final Update: I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out of reflex when i woke up to her doing certain things to me. Of course this 200$ can be used for gas, but I can also take the train to my campus which is ultimately a lot cheaper. and i got too excited and didn’t think and kinda slapped them in the back. Its not a rarity that my story pops up on my Tiktok Fy-Page. Overall, she sleeps pretty well- except for when she sleeps in my apartment in my bed. Fast forward 4 months we’ve been on lots of dates and spend every weekend together, she’s been my girlfriend for about 2 months now, she’s told me she loves me but I haven’t told her because I don’t I've been seeing my (M21) ex-girlfriend(F21) again two months after we broke up. She broke up with me a month and a half ago and I’m still obsessed with her. My girlfriend is straight btw. She will wake up multiple times throughout the night, roll around, go from being cold to hot, and just have a hard time falling asleep. ago. there was no ill Weird Situation im in i was in the perfect relationship, on both ends for me and my girlfriend, but i recently went through some shit this summer and during that time i fell into a deep depression and unfortunately i took it out on my girlfriend leaving her abandoned for 2 months. I know the conversations can be hard, the ones I had with her. I know it’s not my business but I almost feel worried for you. MOD. So now it just feels like I make progress with my girlfriend, we have a good night feeling all happy and stuff, and then she goes and hangs out with her new friend and all of a sudden she just hard 180's. And the whole "relation/situationship" ended after he invited my gf to one of his house partys and told her that he wants other girl. a little context, during the first year, i can admit that i made a mistake of treating her badly and taking her for granted. I don't have an actual mother or a father. A little introduction: I'm rigth now in some sort of weird relationship. Hello. GUY SLAPPED HIS GF OUT OF REFLEX WHEN SHE TRIED TO BLOW HIS KUKUJIAO, FEELS BAD I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out One day, what had to happen happened, the man found out the infidelity, and according to how my girlfriend described it, it was hell, there were screams, insults and when the man found out that my girlfriend knew, he slapped her, when she came to my house telling me Everything she had a red part of her face and she was crying, clearly affected I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out of reflex when i woke up to her doing certain things to me. Of course you want to look at her and admire her. Naturally we had more intimate time for ourselves and we enjoyed it. We met at a college bar. My girlfriend is overweight but not obese due to stress from school, work, and money. And you should be able to do the same. For the past few days she’s been so excited and overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. • 1 yr. This is my first post here so i will try to do it the best i can. I am a (M21) and I was just in a year and a half long relationship with my now ex girlfriend (F20). Quick summary: The last time I was called to court as a witness when a man assuming one of her exes accused her of the same thing. So my girlfriend and I moved to a university and I’m off campus and she’s on campus. The following day she was cold and hurt by the argument and did not wish to speak to me or resolve this problem. ago Even after all this time people share my story. And after some weeks I came back and the same day I came back to the city, I found out that his ex girlfriend was also here, and AGAIN he lied to me and he brought her. But i guess it wasn’t enough. So i really lack of healthy bonds in my life. Just to give some context, her father has a job that forces her family to move around relatively frequently (every 3-4 years). Let alone hurt her in any way. my friend and his ex have been broken up for about 4. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver The title says a lot of it, but it got worse and worse. Problem though. 5 months and we are in the same social circle and I was already mates with her whilst they were together. She is the love of my life and this past evening, we had her whole apartment to ourselves instead of her roommates being there like usual. We are toghether for something like a month now. My now ex-girlfriend and I broke up as we were having the couple difficulty of transitioning out of the honeymoon phase. I think my girlfriend cheated on me. Instead of only slapping her my extreme side took over for a bit and she got, “hurt”. Existing Relationship. I think it's also another alarming red flag the way she texts you and says you only left because you don't get what you want. I (M21) found out roughly one year ago in February 2023 that my girlfriend (F21) who I have been dating for exactly a year and a half now was sleeping with another guy at the beginning of our relationship before we were 'exclusive'. Me and my girlfriend had been dating for 8 years and living together for the last two. ThrowRA-4518. And that girl went from not liking me to hating me. my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me but in a sense we’re still attached to one another - a “situationship”. Me M21 and my girlfriend F20 have been dating for 3 months. UPDATE: I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out of reflex when i woke up to her doing certain things to me. I (27M) slapped my girlfriend (33F). I have only ever been to two weddings in my life and in both… I’ve been with my girlfriend for about 4 months. We have been trough some phases. We are both going to college I come home around 1-3 times a month for the weekends. Other times, she'll stare at me and the girl I was talking to (I know she was staring because I could see her from the corner of my eye) with the same hatred and then quickly look away when I look in her directionit became my understanding that she was probably jealous. Mental clarity. My girlfriend and I are both from an Asian culture where the beauty standard is to be very skinny. Last week my girlfriend had the house to herself, so I stayed the whole week. I'm aware that it's a hard habit to break, but I'm also convinced that it is not healthy to do (change my mind?). After one week of dating, she started acting a little distant, not giving much time or even communicating. We're basically boyfriend and girlfriend but she doesn't want anybody from college to know about it. but the thing is i keep pushing her to talk to me about it. Our relationship, until 6 months ago, was very strong, we were really connected, we share the same values, we are on the same stage in So, my girlfriend bites her nails whenever she is nervous, scared or absent-minded. i was sitting on the couch with my partners head/torso in my lap and we were joking back and forth, and i have this tendency to get so riled up that i roughhouse people when i get excited. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver UPDATE: I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out of reflex when i woke up to her doing certain things to me. The second incident happened maybe 5 months after that where she caught me with a dating app on my phone. I love her so much and she brings me a lot of peace and comfort. We had a lot of fights and it culminated in one massive argument where tension was high. First sorry for my grammar englisch isnt my main language My gf and I are together for 2 years, in this time everything was great. I feel horrible for what i did. Work on yourself. At all. I'm not entirely sure what to do here, hence why I'm asking for advice. I don't have grandparents or siblings. People I've told like my family and therapists at my job and some of my friends have said she was a bum who didn't actually love me and was crazy. She still holds that incident against me. I comforted her quite a bit and then she asked if I don’t agree with her on this and why am I so calm. Its probably time to tell you what happened. I go help, but get pulled away by another customer. Fast forward, he got together w the girl and moved to a bigger city. That girl that she hung out with, she's been staying at her house. The last time I updated was a year ago. Vote. Me and my girlfriend were arguing and eventually it got heated and I put my arm on her shoulder to try and comfort her and calm her down and she slapped me hard enough to leave a sting and mark, then she stamped on my foot and walked Around 7 months ago my girlfriend and I were experimenting sexually and we tried “anal play”. And i certainly didn't expect the comments to be so one sided. Last few months. I guess i have to put a TW for sexual assault here. It feels as if she’s an entirely different person. Usually, I don't notice it when anyone else does it, but due to her skittish personality, this happens a lot. She's really great when I'm with her, we get along really well and I really do like how we fit together when we are together. When she saw my penis she said it’s not that big she’s seen bigger but it’s very thick. My gf got really mad saying it was such a sexist thing to say and how he tried to reduce her to nothing by saying that, she also cried about this later. Then, a customer asks me for help on finding a cookbook. When she confronted me I panicked and denied it. Posted by u/ThrowRa080jeiwoeiek - 1 vote and 9 comments I (M21) went on a night out when I met my girlfriend Sophie (F20), I instantly liked her she seemed like a genuine girl and kind hearted. I don't know anymore, she has been my rock and my everything for years now and it feels bad. To start, we’re both 21 nearing on 22. At the beginning of our relationship, she laid out several rules and boundaries she wanted not just me but us both to follow and has since broken every single one and continues to. She was my first everything, first love, first time having sex, first almost everything. Me and my Girlfriend have been dating seriously since the end our junior year of high school. during that time i was mean to her and toxic. This experience unlocked a memory from my childhood in which I had a traumatic sexual experience with another kid my age. My girlfriend, R, and my friend K, go looking for the cookbook, and find it, roasting me for it. So back in September the 3rd to be exact, my (m21) girlfriend (f20) (we'll call her hayley) told me she "needed time alone" but it wasnt a breakup yet that was on like the 12th when i was getting some of my stuff from the appartment, it killed me even before the full break up, id been with her since 2016 our 6 year anniversary was I guess that I never succeeded and it was never for me. • 7 mo. •. Me and my girlfriend we have a long distance relationship and right now we have a tuf time, i confess to her that i told to a girl that she is cute, sexy, " can i follow you home, my parents told me to follow my dream", the reason why i said these words is because my friend told me to comment something nice to the girl pictures. We’ve been together since we were both 18. Am I [M21] overreacting about this situation with my gf [F21]? So my girlfriends in portugal right now and she just texted me that this one dj she saw (female dj) was super hot and sexy and that she was her “girl crush”. Overall everything is smooth but she keeps making comments that tick me. And i didn't expect them to be on my side. We were talking about it all week, teasing each other and whatnot because we were excited. Hi everbody. However, I have a busy schedule with two jobs and school, making it tough for me to go out at night. Crazy how even after all this time people still find it and share it. Her other brother (M27~) seemed to be the complete opposite, said hi to me all the time, said goodbye when I was leaving their house, had great chats with him. We usually manage to communicate well and understand each other. Using a throwaway for this. I am not a psychologist, but from your description, she sounds like she might be on the spectrum of cluster b personality disorder, most resembling borderline, narcissistic - or it could be complex PTSD/trauma (from also being abused by her mother). When my attempt of something serious failed with Girl-A, I started to hang out with my future GF (not looking for anything serious, just making out with each other) 2- 3 months of knowing each other, I started to feel something "romantic", but she did not, she made that really clear But at the same time my girlfriend was preparing for her December exams and hence i used to ignore her so that she can study well as this exam was her 4th and last attempt to appear {CA foundation}. Update 2: I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out of reflex when i woke up to her doing certain things to me. I am (m21) my girlfriend is (f19). We also work at the same job, which I feel is important to mention. He slapped her once as he was waking up because he is a child of sexual assault and her performing a bj on him reminded him of his child sexual assault. She answered your question - nothing is wrong. like that feeling where you and a friend are laughing so hard you wanna slug them in the shoulder a little bit. They basically said they will take her home to talk to her parents, yada yada she eventually calmed down. Last night, she came over to my apartment and told me that she found sexting emails between her mother and another woman, this woman has been a family friend who recently lost her husband a couple years ago. Recently, I’ve been losing interest for whatever reason. Sorry for the long post. It hurts a lot. Things was a little rough. yr xh so uh yn sd kx my da kf