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Icing chest for anxiety reddit

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  • Many times people have depression which can cause anxiety or vice versa, or they’re forgetful, or may have adhd which can cause anxiety, and all of those other factors/illnesses can be caused by a deficiency too. ago. They said nothing was wrong and it was likely just prolonged anxiety, and it was just something with the muscles in my chest on the left side (which the pain being on that side freaks me out). Add another to chest pain from anxiety. It sucks and I’m just This! My therapist told me people with anxiety should avoid CATS. Repeat five to 10 times per session. I’ll also be shaky and fatigued/slightly dizzy, The pain never goes anywhere and just stays in one spot. But that isn’t done when you have chest pain. I was terrified for like a week then eventually my anxiety slowly dwindled away to a very manageable point. 5. Today I went to yoga for the first time in half a year. Seeing a doctor for a checkup is not a bad idea in general, if only to provide you with some more confidence. But then, one day, the switch flips. It helps immensely. But it's been over 6 hrs now, and the chest pain hasn't gone. I'd be interested to know if you're also experiencing back and shoulder tightness, because it's gone hand in hand with chest pain/tightness. For the past three months, I've been experiencing chest pain. Other techniques to stimulate the Vagus nerve include: Controlled breath exercises, Humming, Gargling cold water, Massages, Exercise (yoga is very good, combining movement with breathing). Most likely you are fine. But if it’s just a little bit of tightness or pain (usually on the left side) when you’re Also if it was, and you’ve been having that pain for a year, something would’ve happened by now. Also very rarely on the side or near my digestive system. Especially when I try to nap or sleep. Yes absolutely. Spend less time on screens. I consulted a doctor who conducted a thorough examination, including listening to my lungs, running blood tests, and assessing my lung function. Caffeine is a massive trigger for panic attacks and all-day anxiety. It’s incredible what anxiety can do really. I have a tickle in my chest, feels pretty weird. It’s like when I try to take a deep breath I feel a thump in the middle of the sternum for a split second that cause me panic and adrenaline and then I have to hit my chest or cough until the feeling goes away and sometimes I have to grab on to the nearest object tightly like holding onto my mattress when I’m laying in bed and suddenly I Left side? Hi, I’ve been experiencing an increase in anxiety due to lots of things but I think my Zoloft 25mg as I am approaching the 3 week mark and I have been experiencing chest pain/tightness on the left side for a few days now. Ok so I was very recently prescribed propranolol. It's not always in the same spot or the same feeling. They put me on a liquid steroid called budesonide. It’s small, so you feel like you can finish something and it’s manageable so no getting overwhelmed, plus for me it’s something that has a purpose. Because the vagus nerve influences your body’s stress and fight-or-flight responses, stimulating it can help you relax at a physiological level. It’s also very hard to not think it’s something else because of the anxiety. yes unfortunately this sounds like typical anxiety symptoms. 21M, relatively active, generally healthy other than panic disorder which can sometimes cause real physiological symptoms (and then the cycle continues). SENSITIVE and BURNING Skin from Anxiety - EXPLAINED! Was experiencing this back in the days. I also get them in legs and arms. I can't just stop running my channels Prozac works pretty good for my anxiety and I don't see a therapist. Yes, in fact spasms in my chest and chest pain are what initially triggered me. *Tuesday, temperature rising, chest pain returns during the night. : r/HealthAnxiety. Always keep a half of this, gorilla glue #4, mothers milks and lambs breath in my weed cabinet ;) Same, cinderella 99 is almost a full sativa but has excellent anti-anxiety and anti-depression effects. Supporting your weight with your hands, push your chest and body straight forward. Now whenever I feel a panic coming on the Cut back on stressors. stop googling chest pain from anxiety can be mild duh and sharp ! u get anxious ur body start to get tense i sufer from this for 2 years rigth i was going out felt a chest pain drove me back home ! i lost job house and everything bc of this just stay strong and dont let it beat you bc if it do im so sorry it beat me and now im wacko 🥺 i go Muscle twitching is a common physical manifestation of anxiety for me, but that one only usually hits me on light days. Yes, this "anxiety" typically happens on said long drives, and as usual, I'd have a joint to puff and calm myself during the drive or after. ADMIN MOD. Finally a physician told me it was caused from my anxiety. Chest pain/pressure, left shoulder pain/discomfort, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, clammy hands/feet, etc. An ice pack on the chest allows for the vagus nerve to calm down so physiologically your body will be calming down as you try to gather yourself and fix your breathing. Because there was enough pain over time, it sorta overloads and makes everything more sensitive, making me feel much more pain, and in places I shouldn’t. 5c without having ice form, but that is not the case. So, I started having panic attacks regularly about two months ago, and they've gotten worse over time to the point I'm mentally so anxious I feel like I can't leave my bed, or eat. The key is to not fight anxiety, but to realize when it’s starting to happen and simply observe it. If the feeling is noisy (I talk fast or stutter, I'm agitated, my palms are sweating) is anxiety. I've had anxiety for decades, 47 years old now. , doing a job, running errands, etc. I get discomfort in the chest sometimes, mostly a few hours after I've hit the gym or crosstrainer. Anxiety chest tremors can range in intensity from slight, to moderate, to severe. No cough or sore throat. I've had similar pain before once in my Been having this discomfort middle of upper abdomen and chest , hard to believe that it’s anxiety causing it. Muscle tension, weakness, aches and pains, cramps, muscle twitches, jaw clenching. Very sensitive to a cough or sneeze or a deep breath. This also happens when you might be super out of breath from exercise or something, simulating a panic situation gasping for air. Walk around the block, take a stretch break at work. Dunking your head in ice water could be an effective way to lower your heart rate and redirect blood flow. I get it in my chest and other random parts of my body also my leg will randomly jerk like bad I went to the doctor she Chest pain doesn't go away. *Wednesday, bloody sputum, temp still rising, chest pain on right side. It is hard, because they might overlap. I just want to avoid any possible muscle or nerve damage from not reacting in timely fashion, if this is indeed neuropathy linked. Hopefully the Buspar kicks in and helps out! 2. Tested Positive. To test, just feel and monitor what your stomach does when you breathe. Adrenaline and cortisol (released in stress or anxiety) increase your heart rate and blood pressure, which can cause chest pain. As of now it's about 3 in the morning and I feel this sharp cold hollow pain in my chest that had lasted about an hour or two. My body resumed chest breathing overnight, but now I have something to practice until it becomes the norm. It's insane how much anxiety manifests in physical symptoms. This can last for weeks or even longer. *Thursday temp rising, chest pain begins on left side. Yes chest pain is very common with anxiety. For those of you who get chest pain as a main symptom of your anxiety how do you stop it? Long story short is chest pain is my MAIN anxiety symptom. (It’s very possible anxiety/stress had some input, but not at all the main cause). Sometimes it helps if I take two-three very deep breaths. 1. I was experiencing itching for years, some doctors thought it was scabies, and treated me for it. Downloading now! Update: Wow! The effect was incredible. [deleted] • 7 yr. Edit: on a re-read, definitely give up the nicotine. Yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night with my chest pounding, I couldn't get back to bed for about an hour. It’s more of an achy pain. I have discomfort in my chest, particular the left side a lot. Release. If everything goes well, you can rest assured that it's most likely a symptom of light anxiety. Just cutting straight to the point, my dad had a heart attack in June that i had to watch happen and ever since then i’ve had horrible health anxiety/ocd. Makes me super super tired. Every time you face it, it shrinks a little bit. I can't explain the psychology of it, but that's how it is for me when it comes to her. i’ve had these chest pains in the past (well, highly similar ones) and that really worried me. It can make you body ache all over. No other symptoms. it feels tight and it’s um, painful to move or when taking bigger breaths. i’m getting worried about how my body feels today, i don’t know if it’s anxiety, all in my head, or something serious. I was close to having an anxiety attack the other day and after that night I noticed my heart has gotten weaker in a way. My anxiety improved a huge amount once I started following that rule. I don’t always need to knit with a purpose but sometimes my anxiety is better handled with a small project that’s going to do something. Try breathing more into your stomach. Sort by: jusathrow. Anxiety makes my GERD worse and gives me chest pains, but it's just indigestion. Anxiety can cause an array of physical symptoms. Hello! 24F here. Chest pain or racing heart, heart palpitations, pounding heart, audible heartbeat. PCP knows of FVL+ history, declines to see me and refers me to urgent care. Tickle in chest. Go to Drugs. hey i was livin in moldy house for 2 years since june im having mild chest pain and throat with They would show that there is something going on. It seemingly came out of nowhere, and to this day I can't really pinpoint a trigger. I’ve had severe anxiety since I was like 5 years old. Constant anxiety creating chest pain feeding into anxiety feeding into chest pain. My heart rate rn is 95 too, lmao! Try and take melatonin or Benadryl to help you relax and maybe get some sleep if you’re comfortable with that. They are real pains as well. . Jackie_Rudetsky. Mentally I don’t even feel anxious, it’s my chest that feels it first. Like almost all the time. Propranolol has changed my life. I'm back home, did my BP, and it's high (170 Chronic stress and anxiety causes tons of physical symptoms as well as mental and emotional distress. Also, simple daily exercise like walking three (3) miles a day or so will tend to alleviate depression. Just wanted to share for anyone who wants to try it. bluemoonbluesky. Heart palpitations. chest discomfort, heart palpitations, and nausea. Award. I had never heard this before so I came home and Googled "Tylenol anxiety" and came up with this link. As many people have posted here, it can make you quite drowsy. Quick info: Been to the ER probably 7 times since March of 2018 due to nearly every symptom you find when you look up anxiety, heart attack, and angina. •. Count to 5 as you hold your breath, count to 5 as you exhale. Exercise helped alleviate it and sitting made it worse. But it was gone for a while and came back today. Im 31 and just learned that shallow chest breathing is not normal. So, if I am far from a person/situation (my anxiety is in not triggered) and I still feel It really sucks. Please try it for your next panic attack! It worked for me a few times, I have a lot of anxiety and sometimes full blown panic attacks when it comes to falling asleep and an ice pack to the chest is kinda painful after a bit so it stopped any kind of panic since I was focused on that. These are not considered serious sidr effects for most people, though for me as someone with cptsd, insomnia and vivid dreams are very harmful. If you have this problem for a long period and it’s extremely painful, simply stroll into a doctor and let them check you out. Write about what is causing you to feel anxious in a journal or tell a loved one how you are feeling. If the chest discomfort is related to eating, then gall bladder disease is suggested. But I've never had chest pains before. Get up and do something to release all your pent up adrenaline. Feeling the heart heart more than others is also standard. Reply reply. *Monday, temperature rising. • 7 yr. Firstly, with any chest pain you should get it checked. everythingisaconcept. A hint of honey at most or GTFO. 6. Easy_Truck7477. Could it be allergies or something? Worried it’s the virus. These are all perfectly normal: Muscle tension, weakness, aches and pains, cramps, muscle twitches, jaw clenching Chest pain or racing heart, heart palpitations, pounding heart, audible heartbeat Mar 3, 2022 · theSkimm. Advice. *** HELP**** hi my anxiety was never this bad until couple months ago but this time it is to its extreme. Once evaluated by a medical professional and any underlying medical conditions have been ruled out or treated, I'll try the following strategies to help manage my anxiety and chest pain: Sep 23, 2022 · It’s less clear if ice to the chest can play any role in activating this response. One being anxiety and muscle tension - the second being eosinophilic esophagitis. You're talking about 20 years of this - so it All that pops, up no matter how much I try to change the wording, is stuff about angina and heart attacks - however, it all mentions chest pain, which I am not experiencing. Lots of people tell me I should, but I can't afford it. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based This can happen from trauma or any other reason. It’s one of those things I have had horrible nights horrible days but slowly improved with time. The only test you are missing is an echocardiogram. I've been severely burned out three times and have high blood pressure. It's a little uncomfortable, but I've started associating the cold feeling with calmness, so it's ok. Maybe! It's only been like this for about 2 months now. I will feel a dull pain in the center of my chest on and off for hours at a time. That'll calm your mind about any possible physical ailment possibly happening. My favorite. I've had nerve pain and tingling on and Earlier during the day, I felt this really weird feeling it in my chest. I have OCD and I think it’s the fear/anxiety that causes us to obsess or be anxious about the itching so we don’t stop thinking about it. Happens out of nowhere. It was a bit tougher than I’d expected but when I felt it was too much I took a break and overall had a slow pace unlike the rest of the group. The chest pain happens on the right side of my chest and I can feel it all the way up through my neck, and it is quite an intense pain to where I can’t focus on anything else. The other thing is getting outside and getting some real sunlight to lift your spirits🌞. Advice Needed. Anxiety makes you uncomfortable, but it is not harmful. They usually don't last long and are completely random. That can feel like a general 'tightness' in your throat and chest. The goal is to recognize that it is purely discomfort and there is really nothing to be afraid of. Anxiety chest tremors can precede, accompany, or follow an episode of nervousness, anxiety, fear, and elevated stress, or occur "out of the blue" and for no apparent reason. It's been shown to reduce anxiety as well and it's perfect for the kind of pain you're talking about, pain as a result of nerve issues rather than swelling or inflammation. 5 Celsius. At first it makes it worse but after ~30 seconds it feels a little better. All things that have helped me, but yeah, life long struggle. : r/Drugs. So yes, the tightness could definitely be the result of anxiety, IMO. For awhile, I had tachycardia and constant heart palpitations along with the chest pain and shortness of breath, but that all seems to have gotten better, and I'm just left with the chest pain and on and off shortness of breath. From joint pain to just random leg pain. It just sucks. Thank you for the kind words, I’m so scared to try it. My initial assumption is that I would be able to bring it all the way down to 0. g. If you’re worrying that your chest hurts or your chest is feeling tight and it might be deadly - you can relax. A couple of hours before the yoga class I had some heartburn Got put on hydroxyzine and escitalopram, but the anxiety is constantly causing a tightness or soreness in my chest around my heart. Physical and mental symptoms can be all mixed in together. I get it, it's related to GERD, and have a lot of stomach problems, it's very strange but can manifest as chest pains. After an endoscopy with a biopsy they found eosophils in my esophagus that causes inflammation and pain. For the last 2 weeks my chest pain has been getting worse it first started with palpitations and now it’s gone to having stabbing pain in my chest, for example i get a stabbing pain left or right side and then it become a dull aching pain and hurts more when breathing but it last no more than 3 mins unless i’m constantly thinking of it, it kind of lingers, but when i’m not focused on my Count to 5 as you inhale. i had I get this a lot. I’m on day 8 of symptoms. I was prescribed Hydroxyzine, which is an antihistamine, like benadryl, however it makes you more sleepy, but effective. I thought it was breast related and saw my gyno today to rule anything out. The chest pain is super random and happens even when I’m not feeling anxiety, which at first made me think it wasn’t related. I went to the Cardiologist in July due to chest pain and all the tests came back fine, i just have unexplained I've been dealing with anxiety for about a year, and 6 months ago I had my first panic attack. I feel fine for 99. Employ physical exercise and meditation to address restless energy, cut back in caffeine and refined sugar, excess alcohol etc if applicable. It's taken a long time to quell my addiction to caffeine, literally about two years, but you get to a point where soda and coffee actually start to disgust you and it becomes way easier to ignore it. There's a lot of research on how to provide better care for non Yep! As well as ectopics, pains, tightness. Share. I am prescribed to hydroxyzine to sleep better when feeling anxiety, and it works very well for that. really scared. If the feeling is quiet is gut feeling (usually I feel it as a heavy emptyness in my chest). Consider a physical and some blood-work. Classified as a quick fix for insomnia, this particular TikTok trend claims that if you place an ice pack on your chest, you will calm down quickly and be Chronic stress and anxiety causes tons of physical symptoms as well as mental and emotional distress. Avoid alcohol if possible helps me. No issues at 4. I actually don’t think it helps my anxiety at all, just makes me sleep Every time you give in to anxiety, it grows a little bit. It was like someone took my heart and squeezed it for barely 1-2 seconds. Physical symptoms of anxiety can present even if we don't have a specific "worry" thought in our head. Also don’t be scared of MS, the outlook for that condition has gotten better over time to where the life A subreddit that focuses on anxiety-related success stories and breakthroughs, and posting helpful resources for people with anxiety. I hadn’t had it for over a year but man, it has come back hard and fast. If the chest wall is tender to the touch, or if the pain occurs with movement of the shoulder, arm, etc, then a musculoskeletal cause is suspected. Get some hand weights and just stand holding each weight with your shoulders relaxed, like the weights are magnets being pulled down to the floor. Two primary causes: Stress can induce globus sensation and esophageal constriction. I would recommend imbibing an electrolyte beverage to eliminate an electrolyte imbalance as the culprit. Dec 31, 2021 · It involves “icing” your vagus nerve. Ended up being nerve entrapment or something I believe. Anxiety can really cause some traumatic symptoms. Common side effects of Propranolol include insomnia and vivid dreams, which in my experience triggers PTSD, I suppose due to memory consolidation in sleep. i woke up this morning nauseas (as i am almost every day recently) and quite stiff. Anxiety has been the most significant withdrawal effect for me. Constant fear of something wrong with heart also stops from doing regular activities. That being said seeing a doctor and getting everything checked out, can alleviate the anxieties This server will serve as a safe space for those who are struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues with a goal of real-time communication, more personalised interaction and better organisation. Mental illness is unfortunately not that black and white. I took some vitamins for the first time and kept telling myself that I am going to get heart problems from it after that I started getting these chest pains before that I was completely 100% fine and I know a lot of you would say maybe it’s a coincidence and I still may have a heart Mugiwara_JTres3. 5c the top layer of water is turning to ice where it makes contact with the freezer walls. This is the basis of all treatment for anxiety. Thank you for sharing this, I cannot wait to try this. When i start getting a little anxious, my heart rate and breathing go crazy, which causes me to then go into full blown panic attacks. Yes, I do get anxiety, but the chest pain comes out of nowhere. Being in a constant state of anxiety will also just make you oversensitive. Constant chest pain that last for days - what do I do? so, like it says in the title, i’ve been having this constant chest pain that’s lasted for a few days now. That's something else you should mention to your doctor if you haven't already. Really worried. I get pains everywhere randomly and shooting pains at random times to. Was given lexapro on day 5 at 5mg but haven’t felt any relief with the physical symptoms. I’m happy to have found this sub to know I’m not alone with my health anxiety. My tension and constant random symptoms did also. 2. You don’t need to be doing a full workout at this point, just something to help you use the jitters and adrenaline you’re getting for something productive. ). Honestly I've learned icing your vagus nerve helps a ton!! Pretty much you just put an ice pack on your chest (sternum area) and it kind of helps regulate that nerve which in turn helps you get your anxiety under control. I got awful chest pains in the left side of my chest for 2 days straight. When your body is relaxed, your brain follows suit, helping you find a sense of calm. Super common with anxiety, mine lasts for hours. Then you need nicotine every few hours to calm down, or you start through withdrawal and then get anxious and jittery. Yeah have the same without pain in the chest (for now) If the exams are good then you should focus on the positive. Stretch the pecs: Stand outside a doorway and reach your arms up as high as you can on either side of the frame. Some times I even feel it in my arm. Spasms are usually in pectoral muscles, ab muscles, or up near collarbone. I’m convinced it’s all stress/ anxiety/ trauma related. Give the Prozac a try and you will win for sure. I have some pretty significant anxiety that i feel is mostly caused by my physiological responses to stress. r/Drugs. I just put a regular ice pack on my chest (either over or under my shirt depending on the intensity I want). Hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head (telogen effluvium) caster3141. It comes and goes. Having said that, I would not recommend taking this during the day and expect to be functional (e. around 1pm, i got heart Fasting cleans out the entire body, including the brain, so it makes sense it should help with depression. After that, I was completly fine. At first, you might feel a little better. I go to therapy it’s so helpful. Fear of heart attack makes them go to different cardiologists to check if heart is ok. I dealt with chest pain on my left side, right on my highest rib for a while and got obsessed over it. If I am experiencing anxiety-induced chest pain, I'd first seek medical attention to rule out any serious medical conditions. It will be an inclusive and supportive community where people can share their experiences, get advice, and connect with others Basically (this won’t be perfectly accurate) the vertebrae send electrical signals of pain to the brain. I do get skipped heart beats and muscle twitches a lot, but this felt diff. I've been slowly lowering the temperature via the Inkbird thermostat and am now at 3. And she said no, take the Tylenol. Quit. 4. I was SURE it was a nerve problem - turns out to be nothing but extreme anxiety. So, please, tell me, is it normal, and does it happen to you, chest pain, trouble breathing, for 6 consecutive days, without stop, with a relief from time to time manifested as a lesser I feel constant anxiety, my chest hurts, have almost constant shortness of breath now. Sometimes the physical part is what clues me in to look for contributing anxiety factors in my life and that's how I can sort through it. • 10 yr. They do it when they suspect heart failure. It seems to come and go. Caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, sugar. When I told the doctor that I was still worried it was someting else or more serious, she looked me in the eye and said “it’s not”. I'm 18 years old and had heart tests done before, but came out normal, but now im anxious. I completely accepted all of my fear and all of my symptoms and did nothing about it. You may not even know you are doing it, I didn't. Now it’s fine. Fight the good fight bro. Yoy have anxiety. The vagus nerve controls your parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn can bring on the body's 'rest and digest' state. If an empty stomach causes symptoms, then reflux of stomach acid can be the culprit. Sometimes a strange numbness accompanies it and gives me pins and I don't feel comfortable around her because I've felt gaslit and manipulated. I don’t have anxiety often but when I do have it it’s pretty bad. Standard symptoms for anxiety sufferers. I’ve had it on and off for a few weeks. I should though. All my tests have always been fine. Smells of blueberry raspberry and light lemon citrus. That statement is lacking though. It started with stabbing pain in the left side of my chest and then I started shivering, got sweaty palms, increased pulse, and felt panicky. Just remember to tell yourself that the hyperventilating associated with a panic attack will eventually pass. But I get it so often (once a day is normal) that I kinda just ignore it and gasp for breath while waiting it out. Just got a half oz of blue dream for $45. Majority has been head congestion/feeling stuffy. It can also come in waves where it’s strong one moment and eases off the next. I’ve been told by numerous doctors that it’s the anxiety causing this “pain”. Once it was a crushing chest… For everyone who has anxiety when using Marijuana, please read this. Also back pain and neck pain and also jaw pain. EKG’s bloodwork chest xrays, everything’s fine and healthy. Just a second or two of tightness. benadryl will help as well for itching. However, I have two causes for my chest pain. It makes me feel tired for a whole 24 hours after I take it which sucks. Anxiety and chest discomfort. Although it’s wise to be suspicious of social media health trends, vagus nerve icing is actually part of a real anti-anxiety technique that psychologists and therapists have used for some time now. I use it for nights when my thoughts are spiraling and I can’t sleep. This feeling you're describing sounds a lot like the tightness and shortness of breath I feel in my chest most of the time. just my neck and back and my hips. It started off with very minor chest pain I was overthinking due to Heart Palpitations/ Chest flutters . At the time I felt like I was basically embracing death. Chest tightness/pain + anxiety. More than likely it is anxiety related, it's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy, you're a little anxious about something, thay causes the chest pain amd probably elevated heart rate and then you get anxious about that, and it starts snow balling. Everything you described… has been my whole life. It happens a lot and I don’t want to take my kolonopin that often so that is why my dr prescribed it. TikTokers are singing the praises of a hack that supposedly helps ease anxiety and improve your sleep quality Feb 6, 2022 · Stimulating your vagus nerve is a good way to calm your body down and produce a sense of positive relaxation. 0c, but at 3. 9% of the day, then that squeezing feeling comes along and leaves just as fast. I tried breathing exercises, meditating, runs - but at the core they don't make my issues go away. Those vapes aren't near as well-regulated as they should be. Tense muscles on other areas of the body due to anxiety, while uncomfortable, aren't quite as alarming as the sensation is creates in the chest - but it's the same thing. Can I deal with her in a bigger area/ party space, yes. Expressing your feelings can help. In a more intimate gathering with fewer people, my anxiety gets really bad and I feel like crying from time to time. Heart failure causes some pretty obvious symptoms that the doctors would have noticed by now for sure. Distance is important. But this time around, I'm sticking to sobriety, and refused to buy weed to subside this feeling. Along with the tightness I get a really fast heart rate, can barely breathe and it feels like my chest is going to explode. Each time, they do an EKG, xrays, and blood work that shows no sign of heart It can cause a choking feeling in your throat, sore throat, can make it feel like a lump, and also other throat related problems. I've had multiple EKG's, blood work, and an echocardiogram done and told I'm fine over and over. This has been going on for years. These things might make you feel better in the moment but they make your anxiety so much worse overall. 17f. Do this a few tines and it will slow your heart and mind down and relax you a bit. Keep your abs tight so that your back doesn’t wobble or arch. Reply. Learn your triggers, learn some calming/breathing exercises, keep your blood sugar balanced, avoid caffeine. It got better for a while but in the past few years has started getting bad again. All results came back normal, and my doctor believes that anxiety may be the underlying cause, probably because I have a history of anxiety. Aka a heart ultrasound. But I never get them when I’m busy or exercising. I get muscle spasms in my chest, my arms, my legs etc. I’ve seen on other threads where people say they experience chest pain with anxiety. nt jx hl ey ea aw ts mm dh jv