My 5 year old refuses to poop in the toilet

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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The cause can be a variety of factors. Potty Struggles with a 4-Year-Old. Jan 24, 2023 · Potty training is a very important aspect of a child’s cognitive, emotional, and psychological maturity. When we got back from vacation, we put our potty trained eldest son in a single bed. Almost 4 year old refuses to poop in the toilet. May 22, 2020 · It's very common for children who are newly toilet-trained (or still learning) to not want to go potty in public restrooms, which tend to be unfamiliar, intimidating, and loud. a situation in which an otherwise potty-trained child refuses to poop in the toilet. michie23. Constipation occurs when stool becomes backed up in the intestines. Jun 13, 2024 · Known as three-day potty training, this method allows him to feel the urge of a bowel movement without the crutch of pooping in his undies or pull ups. Here are some tips to help encourage your child to poop in the potty. Yes, this can get messy, but it may not be as bad as you think. Start small and gradually increase until he's basically wearing the waistband of a diaper as a belt. start cutting a hole in the diaper. His anxiety levels were very high. 5 year old would literally pee in the toilet anywhere but not poop for 4 days! Usually by that time I was stir crazy so I’d put him in a diaper and go somewhere. I tried just about everything (treats, bribery, reading, iPad, hole in the diaper) but nothing works. Toilet training makes most sense (according to "our" specialized doctor - we have a similar problem, the boy is 6. Tell him that its normal to use the potty and diapers are for little babies. Carrots. Having to use bathrooms that offer less privacy than children are used to. Remember, it’s hard to pee or poo when you’re tense. He will pee in the toilet. Our 3 year old has been officially potty training since New Years and there’s no end in sight. Now he is refusing to poop in the potty or in his diaper. Solving potty training problems caused by anxiety. Potty-training. Next, have them pull their pants down before sitting on the toilet. Sep 3, 2023 · This was my pitfall, and probably made it way harder and prolonged the process. My daughter watched her cousin go potty. Talk to them if you have any concerns or questions. Aug 15, 2023 · Figure out when your child is going to poop, and have them poop in the diaper while in the bathroom. He is happy to sit on the toilet and he does not have a problem with weeing on the toilet. He will go days without pooping. Then it just happened. Jun 1, 2023 · Go back to diapers. Stressful events in the child’s life, such as starting school. Jan 12, 2010 · answers from Portland on January 13, 2010. By. Take them to the store and let them pick out their own underwear. Always follow the advice given to you by your child’s doctor or nurse. May 21, 2018 · The Big Boy Bed. Diaper rashes that cause pain when the child has a bowel movement. He urinates fine in the toilet and wears an underwear through out the day but he just fears to poop in the toilet. I’ve read your column for years carefully storing away child-rearing and (of course) potty training advice, but the time has finally come where I have a unique, niche potty training question that I don’t think you have answered before! My just-turned-three year old has been wearing undies at home for a few months and is mostly accident-free. If you decide to use a child-sized potty seat, make sure you have a step stool in front of the toilet for your child to rest their feet. Miralax (polyethylene glycol) is safe for children over 6 months. Whether you’re potty training boys, girls, toddlers or a 5-year-old, these tips for potty training stubborn kids will help you ditch the diapers for good. Parents might assume that kids who soil their pants are misbehaving or too lazy to use the bathroom when they have the urge to go. Let your kid fold the tissue twice while you spritz some drops of water on the balloon’s surface. But basically they boil down to four main types of causes as follows: Physiological -- "Holding" can create a blockage in the intestines due to dried / encrusted waste not moving properly So I have a super bright 4 year old boy who is refusing the toilet, especially for number two. Jan 7, 2016 · Make sure he stands in front of the toilet (or sits on it) so he has the opportunity to finish peeing. But poop is a very different story. My 3 year old refuses to poop on the toilet. 4. A new baby in the family, a move to a new home, family conflict, or any other emotionally stressful situation may cause your child to revert to an earlier level of bathroom mastery. Potty training regression 4. She flat-out refuses to go to the bathroom when she Dec 5, 2017 · In this episode: The parent of a 4-year-old is concerned that her boy won’t poop on the toilet and wonders what she can do to encourage him. My almost 3. " Asking him to help with cleaning up is not about punishing him, it is just part of life and when we make a mess, the mess needs cleaning up, He can help use a towel to mop up any puddles, rinse the Peanut butter. Rant/vent. It occurs when a child (usually over the age of 4) has a bowel movement and soils their pants. How to stop stool withholding. 5 to have him on a closely monitored regimen of miralax and stimulant laxatives and carefully watching the dosage and charting bowel movements to get his nerves to detect pooping properly again and to shrink his colon May 7, 2009 · 16 answers. He flat out refuses to do it, even when it’s obvious that he has to. Aug 21, 2018 · My son who will be 3 in a few days has been potty trained to poop for probably 6 months now but would always pee in his diaper. So finally at 6. If your child’s fear of pooping on the toilet is a new one, you might be dealing with a potty training regression. Make her stop whatever she's doing to come back into the bathroom. Even when I know he needs to poop and I have him sit on the potty, he won't poop. When a child between the age ranges of 6 Years isn’t toilet trained, he or she may suffer from health and emotional issues. Try it Backwards For some kids, sitting backwards on the potty helps to ease Parenthood is HARD and if you have a baby with colic, you need to start asking your social networks for support and help. I wrote on this forum about 2 months ago about my 6 year old who still doesn’t poop on the potty. My son who is 5 is still pooing in his pants. I mean she will hold it in until her body finally rejects it and forces it out of her into her pants. Aiming pee directly into the toilet and not messing up the toilet walls for boys especially. This will help your child slowly feel more comfortable with pooping on the potty. When parents bring in their delightful, verbal 3-year-old for refusing to poop on the potty, it may seem laughable. We are in the same situation now, even after she went to a therapist for six sessions. I am a very concerned grandmother, the parents do not spend time to Apr 25, 2019 · Stool toileting refusal, i. But with impending preschool and costs of diapers, stool refusal can be a major aggravation for families! Fortunately, stool refusal is problem you can Or actually sit on the potty to poop while still wearing their diaper. We told him that only big boys could sleep in big boy beds and big boys don’t use Pull Ups. poop with a diaper on, sitting on potty or toilet. Apr 10, 2024 · Before you start the potty learning process, look for signs of readiness. You may also contact the Bladder & Bowel UK confidential helpline at email: bbbuk@disabledliving. I let her go in a pull-up to not stress her out or else she would just hold it and I would have the same problem as my 5 year old. But some kids suffer from understandable anxieties about toilet training (Baird et al 2019). (Inconvenient consequence) 3. We have a 3. I at my wit's end with my almost 4 year old son. Aug 11, 2017 · 3. Maintain a calm, quiet bathroom environment. Pedia-Lax (magnesium hydroxide) is safe for children 2 and up. What matters more than your toddler's age is their interest in the process. My first child went at 2 years old and my youngest watches him a lot use the bathroom no problem. Keep your trips to a minimum, and when you do go out, make your trips short and sweet Jul 1, 2023 · Stressors can include an illness in the child or a relative, the addition of a new baby, a change in caregivers, the move from crib to bed, or a move to a new house. He’s never had a single accident since potty training. He won’t even poop in a smaller potty on the ground. Number two (hah) this will happen all of a sudden. They have a problem with their bowels that dulls the Jun 28, 2017 · Solving stool refusal. This is particularly important in confining or echo-prone bathrooms. Apr 1, 2022 · Encopresis could be the result of emotional stress, behavioral challenges or fear that affects the actions of your child. When children refuse to cooperate, it might seem that they’re being lazy or unreasonable. Sticker charts, positive reinforcement, choosing his own toilet seat, wrapped up rewards, trips out etc My son is well ‘overdue’ to be potty trained. He so far has only done it at home 2x and will go at school/daycare, but absolutely refuses to go at home. My seven year old son will rarely sit on the toilet to have a poo, he holds it in and says he doesnt like going on the toilet. Feb 28, 2024 · Table of Contents. , over the years I have tried everything. Many parents find that their child will be ready to go back to the potty on their own after a couple of weeks. Apr 16, 2023 · My 4 year old son urinates normally and independently but refuses to go poo in the toilet. “They use wet, disposable wipes at home, so that’s what they’re used to, but I got the ‘No way, Mom’ look when I suggested taking wipes to school. If your child has no problem peeing but refuses to poop on the potty, put them in diapers again and encourage them to poop whenever they need. 5 years, its going to take another 3. ”. I can’t even get her to sit down on the toilet to get used to the feeling on pooping 6 year old still won’t poop on potty. Refuses to go poop in the potty no matter what. I’m trying to not pressure her. He is on medication for constipation and that seems a lot better, but he is still refusing to poo on the toilet. Dec 5 · Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Aug 30, 2016 · “It’s about the toilet paper,” says Lisa Avram*, a Toronto mom whose kids, Liam, 5, and Kendra, 9, both refuse to poo at school. Oct 9, 2022 · Encopresis is also known as fecal soiling. May 28, 2024 · Use words to express the act of using the toilet, such as “pee,” “poop” and “potty. (This adds another layer of control for them. We sat down and made a detailed plan for how this kid was going to transition from pooping in his pull-up behind the cough to pooping on the potty in the bathroom like a big kid. I do sometimes wonder if kids poop in pullups because they can squat which is a much easier position to poop comfortably. He was showing all the signs of readiness and my husband and I admittedly assumed he would pick it right up because he is so smart and has two older brothers plus parents modeling. “My 5-year-old refuses to poop on the toilet!!!” one mom emailed me. If you think the regression could be because your child simply wasn’t ready to use the potty Nov 16, 2021 · He waits until he's put into a diaper for naptime or bedtime, then he goes in his diaper. I have 4 kids, (12,7,5) are boys and an almost 3yr old girl. We make her stay in the bathroom while she does it. It is a topic that many people still Toddler 1-3 Years. First put her in a diaper but make sure she poops in it while on the potty. Some children with encopresis have problems with normal pooping, like constipation. I heard one recommendation that might work. However, inasmuch as potty training is important, a parent has to be also careful of attempts to use force to I have 3 kids pooping in their pants!!! Well, my 4 1/2 month old is allowed. Dried plums, peaches, apples, pears, and apricots are good sources, but also high in calories and can cause cavities, so use in Oct 17, 2017 · Q: I’m desperately trying to potty-train my 4-year-old. The oldest two were completely potty trained around 3yrs old. ) If you can, have them watch a slightly older sibling or cousin go potty at least once. Fear of the toilet. 1. STR may be little known, but there is perhaps nothing else that so 1 day ago · Try to make using the potty exciting again. Jul 21, 2023 · Ensure the potty is in the bathroom and easily accessible for your three-year-old. Sorbitol is a natural sugar that’s not digested and can help with intestinal transit. uk or Telephone: 0161 607 8219. Not taking the time out during play or other activities to go to the bathroom when children feel the urge to poop. I have tried underwear, and there's always poop in it. May 25, 2022 · A major change in a child's life can cause them to regress during toilet training. When your child’s poo is reliably soft, you can start working May 10, 2016 · 5 Year Old Butt Wiping. He doesn’t have to poop, he just has to sit on the toilet for 10 minutes or so, we’ll sit with him and watch videos or whatever. He holds it in, he also refuses to sit on toilet, and we've tried everything. A balloon. When we have forced him to TRY it himself, he does a very quick Feb 8, 2022 · Hi there! I am having the same issue with my 5 year old. Apr 26, 2021 · 1. ADMIN MOD. As the title says, my almost four-year old refuses to poo in the toilet. For about six months, my During the first week of toilet training, Marc withheld his bowel movement for seven days. 5 yr old daughter. People would say when she was 3 "well, she won't go to kindergarten not potty trained" but it seemed like she was headed that way. We told our 4 yr old son (who refused to become fully potty trained) that he could sleep in a big boy bed when he started to go potty every day. 6-12 years old: 50-60 oz. 10 minutes. He will do it occasionally and seems so proud of himself and says he will poop on the toilet every time. The potty training path your child follows will likely be based on temperament, developmental readiness, interest, and even gender, explains Abigail Klemsz, M. Your toddler sees potty training as a bad thing. May 10, 2016 at 12:58 PM. Rule out medical problems. She has been known to not go for as much as 3 weeks before we had to give her an enema. We have paused potty training because she’s terrified of that too. Dec 18, 2022 · By Steve Hodges, M. 9/10 times he will poop. Eventually she just told the therapist “I’m not Serious-Mix8014. Have her flush the toilet. Stop putting pullups on him. When your child’s poo is reliably soft, you can start working My 5 year old son refuses to poop in the toilet. Another four percent of outliers sit at the other end of the spectrum, still not being toileted trained by age four. If you’re using a potty chair, ensure it is stable and secure. Sitting on the wide toilet seat. Another wrote, “My daughter is a nightmare to potty train. 2. delayed 4 yr old; 4-year-old NEVER says when he has to go; 4 yr. Common toileting difficulties for autistic children can include: knowing when they need to use the toilet; communicating the need to use the toilet; learning to use different toilets; sensory and environmental challenges; wiping themselves; smearing their poo. My 3. More than a kid to poop in the potty, you need sleep and you need some free time to just relax. My son will be 4 in August and is pee potty trained (still wears pulls up for bed) but he refuses to poop on the toilet. May 19, 2015 · I have a 4 1/2 year old son who refused to poop in the toilet. You can’t compare your toddler to other kids. Having to pee or poop alone in the toilet or potty by themselves. I’m really hoping she will use the potty soon. My 5 year old refuses to poop on the potty. When her child started spending the day with mine (2 years old, 100% potty trained), the 5 year old expressed more interest in pooping in the toilet and was successful about 70% of the time. He will sit or stand next to the potty with his pull up on. This is a well-known condition that affects a certain (small) percentage of children. Beans of all kinds – including garbanzo beans, kidney beans, and pinto beans. old potty-trained everywhere but at home; Discussions on Other Pages. My 5 year old has the distended bowel, and has had for months now. We started this journey last summer. I’ve been trying to get my almost 8 year old to use the toilet since he could walk. Of course, there are some cases when a 3-½-year-old kid says no to potty training. “A lot of it comes down to constipation,” says Darcie. Howard, MD. 5 year old is fully pee potty trained but refuses to poop in any potty. The forum was recommended to me by a health visitor. December 18, 2022. Whole wheat or whole grain bread. MIA Studio/Shutterstock. Mar 27, 2018 · It pays off in the long run! 1. May 15, 2023 · Broccoli. My 3 years old REFUSES to poop in the the toilet. 5 yr old refuses to go on potty/toilet. Apr 12, 2016 · While many kids start to show an interest in the potty at 2 years old, recent research indicates that only 40 to 60 percent of children are fully toilet trained by 36 months. Oatmeal. He spends half the week with his dad and grandparents, and the other half with me. Breaking the stool withholding cycle needs a two pronged approach - sort the physical first and then you can work on the behavioural side effects of being scared to poo. 5 years old now) directly or short after meals: after each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) the child should sit on the toilet for 5. It is called encopresis. Aug 12, 2016 · <2 years old: 30-35 oz. He REFUSES to poop on the toilet and will hold it until we give him a pull-up. I even offered to try the cut a hole in diaper method. At the same time, others (even at an early age, around two years old) catch the vital concept of cleaning during the early phases of this training. Brown rice. My 7 year old step-daughter refuses and when I say refuses I mean REFUSES to go poop. Potty Superhero, Once Upon A Potty, I Can Use the Potty, there are tons of books he might be inspired by. Timing does not affect future success or current abilities. He is only in underwear during the day and when it comes to going number one, he pretty much has the hang of it. He dirties his pants a few times a day and his bottom is constantly dirty and smelly however even after talking to him about it he isnt bothered by it. And eventually you should be able to just do without the diaper. If we don’t do this, he will just hold it in eternally and that’s never good. This was progress because even though he wasn’t on the toilet, he was in the right area so we rewarded him for that. Using the potty is one thing your toddler can control. We have dedicated bathroom time every evening for my 5 year old. He’ll pee occasionally if we ask him if he needs to go, but refuses to poop. . By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. When your three-year-old poops, they need to be able to rest He feels his signals while awake, knows when he needs to go, and tells us. She is afraid to poop because she is afraid it will hurt (I think it did a few times and now she’s terrified). e. Blow the balloon halfway to end up with a pliable and moldable bottom-like shape. I know when he needs to go for a poo and I put him on 3 year old refuses to poop in the potty/toilet. 5 years old we took him to a GI doc who said bc hes been doing this for 3. 2-5 years old: 40-50 oz. My nearly 8 year old won’t use the toilet, I’m loosing my sanity. The therapist gave me several suggestions, all of which failed. 5. Two weeks ago we sat for 7 hoursat the emergency room because he wouldn't go for at least 6 days and began refusing to eat or drink anything. He is the brightest, smartest, and funniest kid, but for some reason he WILL NOT poop in the toilet. 7 Year Old Daughter Won't Go To The Bathroom. When that works, then cut a hole in the diaper, so the poop will fall into the potty. The few times he has gone on the toilet, he goes just enough to say he went but clearly not enough for a proper BM. If you have a stubborn 4-year-old who refuses to poop in the potty, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Use proper words for body parts and functions. 3. He used those opportunities to poop while we were out, even if he was in undies! Every. We have had a few potty training attempts with her which usually result in her getting very distressed and withholding wee and poo for hours. Set a timer for a few minutes each time (more on that next). Let him watch you go poop and tell him how good it feels. Is it negligence if the parents do not establish consistent sessions with a behavior therapist to achieve the goal that the child can overcome the fear of seating on the toilet to poo, and/or to dig out the source of his behavior. It is 10/30. Our first breakthrough was after the first seven days – Marc went on the bathroom floor. The problem is that they don't encourage him to poop on the toilet. Our most recent attempt has been a little better. She knows when to go to urinate, but when it comes to poop she refuses and demands a diaper. Hello,Anyone on the same boat as me? my soon to be 5 year old is refusing to poop on the toilet. she is otherwise potty trained, but she says that she is scared that it will hurt. Time. Holding on to Poop (Encopresis) 4-5 year-old refuses to poop in the toilet; Night-time Potty Training; Pee Accidents in 4-5 year-olds Aug 30, 2023 · Tips for Encouraging Your Child to Poop in the Potty. ” Take him to sit either at set times of the day (for instance, at 12pm) or before or after regular parts of the day (like after every meal). My stepson has been fully potty trained for almost 3 years, but will not wipe his own butt after pooping. I need help. She was almost 5 years old. Poop is an entirely different story. Dec 18, 2023 · Encopresis (or soiling) is a disorder in which a child over the age of four repeatedly poops in places other than the toilet, like their clothes or the floor. My biggest problem right now is my almost 5yr old son who still to this day won't poop in the toilet. He had a bad experience with it hurting really bad a couple of weeks ago and now he won't try at all. She’s no longer in preschool because of her refusal to sit on a toilet and now has a full-time babysitter. We had great progress at one point, even started pooping without a diaper sitting for a week and then regressed to standing again. If she’s feeling insecure or unsteady on the toilet, place a footstool in front of the toilet and/or a soft training seat on top for comfort and stability. Identify behaviors (“Are you going poop?”) so that your child can learn to recognize the urge to pee and poop. Advertisement | page continues below. He’s a little over 2. Teens: 60-70 oz. Input stimulates output, so to say. Offer your child a toilet paper roll and have them cut out the right amount, about four squares. poop on the potty just holding a diaper (optional, for the strongest holdouts!) If kiddo was using the small potty in previous steps, try to transition to the Changes in diet, not drinking enough fluids. Potty training can be a challenging time for parents and children alike, especially when it comes to pooping in the potty. One simple solution: Have your child use the bathroom before you leave the house. . Explain to her that since her waste wasn't flushed immediately, she now needs to use the toilet brush to clean the bowl. He either sits backward and draws on the toilet lid with dry erase marker (it comes off) or sits forward with feet flat on a stool and gets 10 minutes of tablet time. She will either go in her underpants, a pull-up or even tries to hold it so she won't have to go. Then within a week she was using it. She realizes that it’s a sensitive topic and she wants to respectfully help him “without adding to the issue. When your child asks for a diaper, go to the bathroom and put the diaper on the Jul 1, 2023 · Some kids are ready to start potty training as early as 18 months, but others might be closer to 3 years old. Apr 5, 2011 · Hi, My 3. (Inconvenient consequence) 2. This problem is most often linked to constipation. I tried so many things, rewards, toys, distraction and nothing has worked any suggestions, help would be greatly Hello, I too have struggled with my 9yrold boy and his poo poo issues. Last of all, have them sit on the toilet with the diaper off. I have tried candy, stickers, everything. Then say, "Okay lets get you cleaned up. Ask your child to let you know when a diaper is wet or soiled. Potty training stubborn kids is hard, but it’s not impossible. Oct 19, 2017 · 5 year old still resisting potty training; Potty training tips for a dev. Apr 24, 2024 · It can sometimes be a combination of factors. She will go into her room and put a pull-up on herself. I know every kid goes at their own pace but my son shows 0 interest about going poop on the toilet. But the most common cause of fear is that the child has had a previously painful bowel movement. She started kindergarten about a month later, and suddenly she never has accidents anymore. And guess what? It worked. Hi, this is my first post here. When he has to go he uses the left over pull ups we have that he usually wears at night (heavy sleeper doesn’t get up to pee). My (30f) husband (31m) and I are kind of at a loss of what to do. This means that they will not become clean within a few weeks or months and that many mishaps will happen after they have begun using a toilet, simply because the child's physiology needs to develop first. Barbara J. But basically they boil down to four main types of causes as follows: Physiological -- "Holding" can create a blockage in the intestines due to dried / encrusted waste not moving properly 3 year old refuses to poop in the potty/toilet. Some children are afraid or anxious about pooping, so they try to hold it. Further information. She refuses to be active because it makes her feel like she needs to Jun 29, 2018 · First, keep your child in their underwear during the day. Usually he refuses even an attempt, & instead screams that he's "done pooping", "need you to come help", etc. When he was getting potty trained he took on to peeing almost instantly but always was hesitant about pooping. Potty training stubborn kids can be a frustrating experience for moms, dads and children. As a pediatric urologist, I hear a lot about “potty refusal” from frustrated parents. clm83. He may not poop the first few times, but he can expect these scheduled potty trips as normal and routine. Dec 8, 2011 · Kids can have fear about many aspects of going on the toilet: the anticipation of water or air hitting their bottom, the sound of the “plop” in the water below or of the toilet flushing. Potty Training Stubborn Kids. It’s the same at preschool. D. She was potty trained for pee at 20 months-old, never had an accident once she learned how to do it and even does naps without a pull-up. Only in a diaper, standing next to the toilet. Psychological causes could include: The child is busy playing and doesn’t want to stop to go to the bathroom. My son turns 4 in two weeks. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), these include: They stay dry for at least 2 hours during the day For over two years now, we have been trying to get my son, who is almost 5, to poop on the toilet, but he refuses and only goes in a pull-up. Even when he does in his diaper and we ask him, he’ll lie and say he didn’t just go. My 3 year old refuses to poop (at all) My kid hasn’t pooped since Sunday 10/22. Jan 28, 2006 · Then one day she decided she would poop with a paper towel between the bowl & the seat. my 7 yr old son wont poo on the toilet. He at least is aware when he needs to go but refuses to even sit. Regression can occur for similar reasons long after toilet training. Nov 27, 2017 · Hi everyone I am new, just joined today. He does a poop sit 10-15 minutes after dinner every night. Fear of leakage or poop drop before they reach the toilet. He is still wearing pull Nov 29, 2019 · Just over a fifth have made this milestone by the time they're two and a half years old, and 88 percent are toilet trained by three and a half. Include more sorbitol-rich foods. Child 4-9 Years. 5. He can sit on the potty Jun 16, 2019 · Talk about how cool underwear is. But many kids beyond the age of toilet teaching (generally older than 4 years) who soil their underwear have a condition known as encopresis (en-kah-PREE-sis). Slowly transition to having them poop into the diaper while on the toilet. Travel. , a Dec 21, 2011 · 8 Year Old Refuses to Poo in the Toilet. Here are our top tips to break the habit: You must treat the constipation first. He has been consistently peeing in the potty for almost 6 months. co. Here’s an evidence-based guide to coping with common potty training problems. LucillleBluth. Then the next day he’s crying for a pull up and holding his Aug 20, 2022 · Still, some kids (for 4 or 5 years) struggle to do it regardless of how often you give them the guide. The minute he starts to pee or poop around the house, rush him to the toilet and encourage him to finish there. Turn it back into something they look forward to doing. Aug 14, 2017 · My 5 1/2 year old son refuses to poop on the toilet. Buy some books about pooping in the potty. 5 year old son refuses to poo in the toilet or - Answered by a verified Parenting Counselor We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Publish date: June 28, 2017. He’s to the point where he does it completely on his own (standing), and even wakes up to pee at night. When we actually are able to make her go it is the size of a small football and sometimes bigger than Sep 27, 2021 · Children learn to control their bowels completely around four years of age and to control their bladder completely around 5 years of age. STR, i. Allow them to ask you for a diaper when they need to poop. qh ao qt vo ik xm fp ok ho xv