Surviving stage 4 lung cancer reddit

Ask about immunotherapy options. Lung cancer can be curable in some cases, especially with early diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosed in thailand. I was started on traditional chemo (I think it was cisplatin, don't remember), and thanks to my nurse sister, I got tested for immunotherapy. Obviously no spread is ideal but just because it's gone to the lungs doesn't mean it's over. Dec 18, 2019 · After winning against stage IV lung cancer twice, I decided to go after that goal. Survival rates are often reported as five-year survival, meaning the percentage of people diagnosed with that stage of cancer that are alive in five years. I'm stage IV Colon cancer with Lung metasis. She was NED (no evidence of disease) for about a year and a half after that. I was diagnosed with stage four cancer almost 4 years ago. 33M. Thank you. Doc said maybe chemo may extend life but he is too weak for Chemo. taking it day by day and spending time is sometimes all we Hello there, stage 4 melanoma survivor here. Then I started iv chemo from March 2021-August 2021. r/LungCancer is a place for diagnosed patients and caregivers to share their stories, get/give advice, and support one another. . I'm 27 years old, and I probably only have a year or two, or maybe few month. Thank you Keytruda, but I've just had my 3rd treatment of my second round of chemo, so it's not a great anniversary, but I'm still here and hopefully will be for awhile. The outlook for stage 4 lung cancer depends on the sub type and a person's health. 36M. We have all dealt with the myriad of emotions that cancer can cause and are happy to lend support or just listen. My oncologist went over survival statistics with me and I regret even asking. My back pain was so severe that I couldn't even sleep so I went to Urgent Care. Please feel free to vent without fear of judgement. The authors of a 2019 study found that up to 55% of people with NSCLC are diagnosed in stage 4. That might sound extreme, but for my lung cancer, the surgery, chemo and radiation was far worse than eating 100 plates of horse poop. 34F Stage 4 rectal with lung and now bone metastasis. Very poor diagnosis for any stage 4 cancer. Just tough to sleep, and carefull what I eat. Staging cancer is highly specialized work done by radiologists, oncologists, and certain surgeons. Instead, it groups cancers into localized I was diagnosed in Oct 2018 with Stage 4 and nine metastatic lesions on my bones. For metastatic (stage 4) small cell When you are dealing with a stage four diagnosis, unfortunately it is just bad news after bad news. Sharp back pain stage 4LC with brain mets. This includes steady improvements in advanced, stage 4 lung cancer. Last week I was diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 colon cancer with liver metastasis. In 2012, during a health screening, doctors found a concerning mass on Ed’s liver. its really scary reading everything online. It's not uncommon. They recommend to start treatment soon. My prognosis is good, but it's still stage 4 melanoma; anything can change rapidly. Of course having non resectable tumors or brain mets lowers survival a great deal. He is a candidate for chemoradiotherapy and will start in 2-3 weeks. You can see your individual group survival Oct 11, 2021 · Keep in mind that the overall five-year survival rate for stage 4 lung cancer–the percentage of people who are alive five years after diagnosis–depends on the source and timing of the data. Recent research retrospectively analyzed clinical outcomes for 110 patients with ALK-positive stage IV NSCLC who were treated at the University of Colorado Cancer Center in Aurora between 2009 and I’m 1 year into stage 4 colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment, just had major surgery after radiotherapy and chemotherapy and just starting 3rd set of chemo. I started off taking Xeloda with radiation. I feel lonely because I can't even really meet with my family Apr 12, 2024 · Lung cancer remains the most lethal form of the disease, killing about 135,000 Americans a year – more than breast, prostate and colon cancer combined – which is why many people still think of Dec 21, 2021 · Multivariate survival analysis results in 690 stage IV nonsmall cell lung cancer patients with at least 3 months survival after primary diagnosis, using dead of disease and alive with disease at the last follow-up as endpoints (Chi-square 92. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on March 2022. My dad is 58 and had three heart surgeries. Two years alive. We do not diagnose here. Changed my oncologist and now I’m back on IV chemo. fear. It’s really rough. 2013: chemo with cisplaten & alimta, lobectomy, radiation, chemo with taxol. My boyfriends dad (62 years old) was diagnosed two weeks ago and the cancer has metastasized. These statistics are non-age-standardised which means they don't take into account the age of the people with lung cancer. There are some wonderfully knowledgeable people on the Facebook page. Stage 4 lung cancer is not considered "curable", but there are many people walking around this earth years after their Stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. There’s nothing they can do he was given 3 months without treatment. Hi everyone. I just found this community and I have some questions for anyone diagnosed with stage 4 PC or for anyone who has had someone close to them diagnosed. Mom has stage 4 non small cell lung cancer. Stage IV NSCLC - Adenocarcinoma. I'm stage 4 and after liver and colon resection I ended up with a couple of spots in my lung. I just recently started Chemo + Immunotherapy (Carboplatin + Abraxane along with Keytruda and another drug). Heavy drinker. A few weeks ago, we celebrated his 78th birthday. The doctor said if it just contained in the right lung it would be stage 3 Stage 4 is not a death sentence. Thanks to her care team at The University of Kansas Cancer Center, Margaret Miller survived stage 4 lung cancer. November 2017. Once she has the biopsy results and speaks to her doctors, you will all know more. I was diagnosed with stage 3a non-small cell lung cancer in 2013, then re-staged to stage 4 in 2014. Your dad has hope. Advice? My mother found out she has stage IV nonsmall cell lung cancer a few weeks ago. The five-year survival rate for unknown lung and bronchus cancer is about 15 percent. 2014: chemo with taxol 2015: radiation (SBRT) 2015 -> 2021: no tumors in any scans October 2021: final PET scan, deemed cancer-free. Radiation with oral chemo. It ended up coming back and she passed away in late 2021. She was a heavy smoker for a long time, just about the same time as your father. Summary. 2%. Hi all. anger. This gives me a little hope. r/AskReddit. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Stage 4 lung cancer: symptoms before death, survival rate, life span and treatment Breast cancer My mom is 60 years old with stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis to the brain diagnosed on Feb 5,2024. They gave her 2 years with meds but she was still doing great until today. Try 5-6 small meals rather than 3, and keep a stash of is favorite cookies or candy by his chair or table. I took 4 rounds of the combination every 4 weeks and then opdivo every 3 for the rest of the 2 years. They only had the written documents, the films of her CT scans haven't arrived yet but they were still able to tell Jul 13, 2022 · Distant: Tumors have spread to distant parts of the body. At the beginning it was 7. 26 year old woman and recent stage 4 cancer survivor here. Patient. 27. Feb 20, 2023 · Using the TNM stages, stage 4 lung cancer is any cancer that has an M score above 0. It is important to discuss your treatment options with your healthcare provider. Thankfully it didn't go to any other parts of the body. 12. So stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer, metastased into lymph nodes and brain. Must relate to lung cancer. Colon cancer likes to go to the liver and lungs. doveenigma13. I am still alive and in treatment here in Apr 2022. Especially if she’s stage 4, the other thing you can do is ensure she’s had a consult at a major cancer center. Also taking RSO oil, CBD, vitamin IV drip, and regular ice baths. Try not to get hung up on the number. Seeking Support. I'm in my 6th year of survival and there are people here who have more years than that. Pathology of my surgery came back and showed no signs of cancer. Just to let everyone one know there's hope for a lot more life even with a stage 4 lung diagnosis. The survival rate decreases for cancers of higher stages. But, factors like the patient’s age, overall health, and treatment plan all impact lung cancer prognosis. The survival rate for lung cancer has increased steadily over the past 40 years—from 12. 2 years later mass in cecum, ascending colectomy (not cancerous but had to go). A month after that scans showed Mets to lungs. The side-effects of the platinum based chemo therapy almost immediately gave him neuropathy of the feet. The majority of doctors wouldn’t be able to meaningfully differentiate the intricacies of cancer staging for a random cancer in your body. The lung cancer tested positive for ALK+ and I now take oral meds and am still surviving 4 years later. For me I never smoked, yet have lung cancers. 3). Stage 4 IDC breast cancer ++- diagnosed in September. My doctor would still remain calm about things though, that’s pretty much their job. In order for a treatment to be accepted medically from Fenbenlab , it has to be tested at a 95% level of certainty that it is May 25, 2023 · To help shed light on this challenging condition, Ed, a husband, father and stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) survivor, shared his journey from diagnosis to liver metastasis survivorship. 🤍 Feel free to post relevant papers, studies, etc. She received 6 weeks of radiation to the lung tumor. Results came back today and it's not lung cancer, but malignant melanoma. You need to be more specific before that question can be answered. It is now on his pelvic bone, femur and spine. As with all treatments, individual patient results vary. Due to the position and location of the cancer it’s not considered your ‘traditional’ type of lung cancer. The thoracic surgeon went after the lower left lobe, but complications so did a wedge resection. He is still with us and (apparently, right now) cancer-free after five years. I want to tell you the story of Joe. Regionalized. One dr acted like there was no hope another dr said it’s curable. Palliative care. Survival statistics are available for each stage of lung cancer in England. I 24M lost my mother who was just 44 when she died yesterday. 8 cm. Mum (64) is recovering from a craniotomy (march 6th) to remove brain tumor they suspect is a secondary caused by Lung cancer. I had stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. The chemo made me so sick that I was admitted to the hospital for four nights and Meanwhile give him anything he wants to eat. guilt. Doc says no more radiation because it would do more harm than good. Survival depends on the type of lung cancer, the health and age of the patient and how much the cancer has spread. Death rate for stage 4 cancer is not 100%. Although, the things you can read online are extremely scary but I truly believe that medicine has advanced so much, and there are definitely possibilities. like others said, small cell lung cancer is a bit different. 3. Treatment. Jun 11, 2024 · Chronic (long-term or repeated) respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. She had the gamma knife procedure for the brain tumor at the beginning of May 10, 2024 · Stage 4 lung cancer has the worst prognosis (health outlook) of all stages and many patients only live for a year or less after diagnosis. About 2 months ago my grandad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in the lining of his lung. Typically, the relative 5-year survival rate is 3–9%. doing 6 rounds of chemo and then radiation after. It would make my cancer that much more serious, and difficult to treat. Still works on the buildings when he wants too. With Stage IV small cell lung cancer for example the survival time for most patients tends to be significantly shorter than it is for Stage IV adenocarcinoma. An absolutely devastating diagnosis for him and everyone in our family. Further testing found that the mass originated from the lung. Just found out my dad has stage 3 lung cancer and we’re more confused as ever. Apr 10, 2024 · Receiving a diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer can be difficult. My Dad (75) was diagnosed this winter and I had the same question. The x-rays found a kidney stone in one kidney and noticed my other kidney was enlarged. panic. I’m so drained and it’s hasn’t even started yet. AMA!! Happy ides of March, Reddit! I did an AMA last summer, and by popular demand, here I am with a follow up CANCER FREE :) Since my last AMA, I have: Bought a house. 5% by 2016. That said, the five-year survival rate has been This is a safe and supportive place to share your concerns, fears, frustrations, stories about dealing with your own or a loved own's cancer. Newer and better drugs have helped improve the odds. Head is clear, I understand right lung is also ok. It turns out her entire lung cavity is full of carcinoma. Starting treatment four years ago, they blasted him with carboplatin because when diagnosed he was already at Stage 4. When lung cancer is diagnosed at stage 4, the five-year survival is 3% Tons of money and research has gone into treating lung cancer and major advances have occurred. MalavethRed. Now both are up and running I will keep this up as a reading room with more quiet discussions and r/lungcancer, with its larger user base, as a place for more robust discussions. ago. That rate drops when tumors are advanced and cancer has spread to other parts of the body. I have more than 10 metastasis all around my liver. It was enlarged due to a tumor in my ureter. ). My father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was given a less than 5% chance of making it five years. Jan 23, 2019 · A stage IV lung cancer survivor story. Goes on lots of holidays, provides care for his grandchildren and generally lives a full life. We’re waiting on the result of He's Stage IV, non-smoker: tell the docs to get biomarker testing. 5% to 16. No health issues/scares before. Sep 19, 2023 · A decline in performance status occurs as cancer progresses. Survival rates are changing as new drugs have been approved in the past few years as well as several promising clinical trials happening. Stage 4 lung cancer. Treatment with Viscum album L. ADMIN MOD. Keep in mind those stats are 10 years old, Immunotherapy eradicated a lot of those cancers, so that survival rate is much higher today. AMA!! : r/IAmA. My mom was diagnosed with NSCLC stage 4 and brain Mets at the beginning of November 2022. Basically looking for any long term survivor stories to give me some hope. Stage 1 in October of 2019, stage 3 in January of 2021 and stage 4 in February of 2022. With small cell lung cancer, limited stage cancers have a better prognosis than extensive stage cancers. I had a spot on my arm, which after being cut out came back on my lung, spine, and my liver was failing. Stage 4 nonsquamous small cell lung cancer. Spend as much time with your mom as you can, and cherish the time you have. 2). Because stage 4 lung cancer affects other parts of the body, you may also experience: Bone pain, such as in Oct 30, 2023 · Learn about types of lung cancer, survival rates, and other statistics. drumsurf. When you look at 5 year overall survival data, in a pooled analysis of 5 large trials the 5-year absolute benefit was 5. Almost 65 out of 100 people (almost 65%) with stage 1 lung cancer Young Cancer Patients. In my case a single tumour in the brain which they burned out with radiation about 3 weeks ago. My body has responded well to immunotherapy, and given that it's my 1st line treatment, that makes me hopeful. I’ve had a great response to treatment so far, although liver protesting at having to have further chemo but I am hoping to be NED after this. I did chemo with alimta & cisplaten, then had a lobectomy, then 30 days radiation, then chemo with taxol, then nothing, then chemo with taxol again, and finally SBRT radiation in 2015. Cancer cures are often talked about in terms of remission. The stage of lung cancer is the most important prognostic factor. Feb 18, 2022 · Metastatic or stage 4 breast cancer survival rate. (temporal lobe). He is still here and doing well 6 years later. [Emotional Support] I adopted a dog around 3 years ago knowing that she had a heart defect. They found a mass in my left lung a few weeks back, and since then I've gone through all the bells and whistles of testing. We went to the cancer institute this morning for her first visit. Dad got diagnosed with stage 4 Small cell lung cancer. Individual survival rates depend on your age, gender, and other factors. Insist on bio-marker testing. He has to do a pet scan to see if it’s spread. In early 2018 my mom was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. It may cause a surge of emotions, such as: shock. 8%. anxiety. FAQ. my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 sclc as well early april. 4% for those receiving post-op chemotherapy. It’s okay to be sad and open with each other. Got a puppy. She is experiencing awful sharp pains in lower back where her lung mass is. Tumor type confirmed lung cancer was the original site. After much waiting my pet scan result got back. It's spread to around my spine and they caught a few small masses in my brain, as well as a small mass in Aug 3, 2023 · Survival Rates. • 8 yr. Colostomy, liver resection, more chemo, and Ned. Caregiving. 27yo, inoperable stage 4 colon cancer. She had surgery two weeks later and went through ~eight rounds of chemo after that. 4% in the mid-1970s to 20. 6. To help you manage your emotions, you can speak Treatments have come a long way in recent years. These figures are for people diagnosed in England between 2016 and 2020. hey, i hope you and your family are doing the best you can right now. The SEER database, however, does not group cancers by AJCC TNM stages (stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, etc. Dr writes it as Stage IVA (cT1c, cN2, cM1a) She’s had one round of IV chemo, 4 rounds of radiation for 6 tumors in the brain. chemo knocked it back out. I usually encourage people to spend time with my blog and Substack; then, if they have the sense that they (the patient) is interested in a live connection, I’m happy to do that. Stage 4 Malignant Melanoma. Any advice is appreciated. Hi, My mom (59) got diagnosed with stage 4 nsclc this month and has been identified to have egfr mutation 19. I’m stage 3 hormone positive at 26. Hi back again! I was the (27f) that wrote before on not knowing what to do. To be honest, in his words, he would never have even known he had lung cancer along the way if it wasn't for the neuropathy. Living with late stage lung cancer. His lung cancer might have a mutation that is targetable with meds. If the disease is caught early, the cure rate is between 80% and 90%. I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer about 1. Ten high intensity radiation treatments and then chemotherapy. Normally they have a bunch of markers to work with, so that determines the course of action. Reply. I did so well on the targeted therapy that surgery became an option for me. This is a safe and supportive place to share your concerns, fears, frustrations, stories about dealing with your own or a loved own's cancer. Six months after my open chest surgery I began training and in April 2014, I ran my first half marathon in 2 hours and 26 minutes. Hi, I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 NSCLC (squamous) at the age of 28. The old statistics were at stage IV, 5 year rate is something like 1%. The results were almost immediate. 4% in the population with more advanced A T3M1N0 could be stage 3 for some cancer, or it could be stage 4. DaddyBeartic. Despite what happened to my mom and many other moms, stage 4 lung cancer is not a death sentence. It is heartbreaking to see him wither away daily. Symptoms. FOLFOX and erbitux. National Cancer Institute (NCI) has survival statistics, which should give you comfort. Jan 28, 2021 · Stage 4. Started as an alternative space while the main lung cancer sub was locked. Now 8 of 12 rounds of FOLFOX and erbitux complete. (VA) extracts has been shown to reduce chemotherapy (CTx)-related adverse events, decrease CTx dose reductions and improve quality of life in a number of cancers. Be kind and remember the human. The most important things I can tell you as someone who works in oncology patient care and has experience caring for parents with cancer are: 1). During my treatment I ate quite a few hot fudge sundaes with banana slices. There’s a possibility I maybe in NED. The five-year survival rate for metastatic breast cancer patients depend on how far the cancer has spread: Regional metastatic breast cancer: The five-year relative survival rate is 86 percent (86 percent as likely as someone without cancer to survive during the five-year period). Stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer that has spread regionally has a five-year relative survival rate of 37 percent. And, they have enormous experience in performing operations on metastatic lung cancer. But MD Anderson has been a leader in offering surgery when appropriate, even with stage IV disease. Stage IV lung cancer is never a good diagnosis to receive (nor is long term or excessive smoking and drinking), but there are a lot of factors involved in survival and, for many people, many options to choose from. She kept researching, and then pushed for the tests. • 2 yr. I just today found out that my cancer is KRAS G13R positive, and from what I am reading online this is associated with a much poorer If, or when it metastasizes to my brain, it will change my prognosis. The 2- and 5-year survival rates for all types of lung cancer are: Stage IVA: 23%; 10% My dad was diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer on August 25, 2017, the day before his 73rd birthday. I always held on to hope that someday she will return back to full health. He was finally diagnosed yesterday with stage 3B SCLC in his left lung, spread to chest wall and wind pipe. I took, drum roll please, opdivo and yervoy. 5 years ago. Will be flying back home to the UK to start treatment. In terms of odds, the basic odds were initially (for Sep 12, 2022 · Patients with metastatic (stage 4) non-small cell lung cancer that’s spread to distant organs or regions of the body have a five-year relative survival rate of 8 percent, according to ACS. I've scanned cancer-free since late 2015. I was diagnosed stage 3a non-small cell lung cancer in April, 2013, no actionable mutations, then re-staged to stage 4 in summer 2014. 54% at 5 years is insane and I know that no one can know for sure and those statistics are a bit old. Just passed my 2 year anniversary surviving stage 4 lung cancer. Each step of the way thru the diagnosis and staging process, you hoping you get another outcome. Prostate cancer stage 4 questions. Stage 4 NSCLC - KRAS. Did chemo with cisplaten & alimta, then lobectomy (upper left), then 30 days radiation, then chemo with taxol, then chemo with taxol again, and finally 5 days SBRT radiation in August 2015. She was a bit unsteady this morning so I took her to the ER. She’s on tagrisso and has been improving since her visit to the hospital. 0001). (VA r/LungCancer is a place for diagnosed patients and caregivers to share their stories, get/give advice, and support one another. I was given treatment that was palliative in nature. Doctors are really hopeful we can keep this cancer under control, the first year of treatment is going to give us a good indication what my future will be. Still I went through those treatments because it was a “do it or die” situation. Stage four because it had migrated from my esophagus to my left lung. 🤍🤍NOTE: For those in the process of a lung cancer diagnosis please post ONLY in the weekly pinned Pre-Diagnosis Lounge Post (sort posts by 'Hot'). The SEER database tracks 5-year relative survival rates for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) in the United States, based on how far the cancer has spread. Most days feel alright still in the gym. I was putting on my bra one day and felt a lump the size of a golf ball. But also know, as I’m sure you do, that stage 4 lung cancer is one that is rarely walked away from and doesn’t have a long life expectancy. Aug 27, 2018 · Background Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is associated with a five-year survival rate of around 1%. January 2016 - Unsuccessful lobectomy. 2 cm and has shrunk to 6. Jan 27, 2023 · Unknown—When lung or bronchus cancer hasn't been staged, it's considered unknown. Stage IV lung cancer. Researchers look at the survival rates over several decades. That was across all stages 1-3, with most of the benefit from those with stage 2/3 disease, so the benefit is likely a bit higher than 5. According to a 2017 research article, the median survival time for scores of M1a and M1b are 11. Your mom is in shock now, you’re in shock now. We have 3 sessions of radiotherapy scheduled to deal with two tumors in the spine. Some stage 4 patients can live for 10 years or more. 5-Year Survival Rate for SCLC (1975 through 2016) All Stages. Stage 1. An estimated 53 percent of lung and bronchus cancer cases are diagnosed at the distant stage, after it’s metastasized. Started a new job. Soooo it's stage 4. Stage IV with liver met. Ex: I am a non-smoker diagnosed with lung cancer. In my spine and numerous lymph nodes throughout my torso. 4 months, and Mar 15, 2024 · Surgery is not usually an option for patients with stage IV lung cancer. It felt so surreal, when i heard the news from a relative, i heard it the first time, however i had to hear it another time to let it sink in. The relative 5-year survival rate for a person receiving a diagnosis of small cell lung My grandmother just got diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer as well. Recent data suggest a beneficial effect of add-on treatment with Viscum album L. That went really well, no side effects, single session - three bursts of 10 mins from different sides. Some of us with Stage IV Lung Cancers live a long time. Stage 4 Lung Cancer Survival Rate Oct 24, 2022 · Those numbers are very hopeful. Tried Lonsurf and then Stivarga as well. Echoing everything fizzleskittle said. Freaked out and went to the ER. Now that I've been on immunotherapy, my tumor has either been shrinking slightly or remaining stable. Only after he had a heart attack from the intense coughing in May did they start slowly giving attention to his lungs. Small cell lung cancer Nov 4, 2023 · These survival rates for the most advanced lung cancer stages are estimated using a slightly different benchmark. 5%. Oct 2, 2019 · Call 913-588-3671 to speak with a nurse navigator. It’s good to have hope and stay positive. Terminal. The more that can be removed by surgery the better, and even then if they can be treated with chemo and or radiation chances are good for several years. Unknown: Not enough information is available to figure out what stage the cancer is at. I want to share how the era of immunotherapy, specifically immune-checkpoint-inhibitors, has changed the landscape of community oncology practice in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer, for oncologists and, more importantly, patients. Prostectomy in July 2018, 8 rounds of chemo starting in June 2019 as my PSA soared, radiation in August 2020. My mom has stage 4 carcinosarcoma endometrial cancer with 16% survival. • 13 yr. 9, P < 0. Mets in spine, hip, and liver. But just a week later, at my routine checkup, I found out I had stage IV lung cancer for the third time. That was 13 years ago with my stage 4 diagnosis. I'm coming up on 6 months of remission from a stage 4 recurrence - 5 years from my initial 3c. Possibly starting chemo Tuesday if we can get the money. One estimate is between 9. I try and see her as often as I can but now that my brother is back in town she wants to spend her time with him cause she hasnt seen him in 3 years. Localized. My oncologists have now deemed me cancer-free. There’s a lot of people who are 2-5-7-10 years out with brain metasis. Not so thankful is that my left lung is also affected. Early stages of non-small lung cancer (stages 0 and 1) have a better prognosis than later stages (stages 2, 3 or 4). kd nn ov cz uz ae yx bs uf xi